🌺19• badass bitch

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A tear drops to my chin as I slowly open my eyes to see the clear world, I'm in a room.

I moan internally as I feel some part and my body aches especially the spot where I was shot.

Everything suddenly seemed like a night mare.

I hate that memory as fuck.

But did I really survive this?

I sit upright when my vision becomes clear and I finally realize I'm in a care unit.

I'm literally alone here and I hate it, I don't wanna be alone in any circumstance coz it makes my heart drop and I feel like Ryan's gonna be here for me.

I pluck the drip attached to my hand and drop my feet to the floor, feels weird.

But just get out and meet people.

You have to be safe everywhere.


I twist the door knob and open the door when I bumped into a hard wall, aww.

I snap my head up and the hard wall was Micah.

The height difference was so obvious, he was towering over me looking straight into my eyes

He stares at me in suprise when our eyes meet, I step back a little but he grabs me to him immediately pulling me to a tight hug. too tight.

"Hey..."i mutter trying to pull away but he brings me closer.

"Hush.." he says as I freeze squinting my eyebrows,

But then I begin to recall when he was telling Zach how he felt about me, I was awake but wanted to hear everything when my mood completely got ruined when Christy and her mother came in to show pity

Fucking asses. I'm never gonna forgive them both.

They made my life turn to bitters.

And I'm gonna fulfill my mission and go back to being the hot business woman I was. Who controls her own empire.

I will care less about people's opinion and concern but only me in my little beautiful world.

But after I kill Ryan.

"Can we....pull away?" I mutter as he sighs and pulls away staring at me with a sad smile

Okay, I'll pretend to know nothing about the love or whatever he has for me, I'll just recover and get the fuck out of here then find Ryan.

I don't think I feel the same about him,

Haven't you forgotten?


You hate men.

Wow, yeah.

People generally.


"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you Crystal... I--" he begins as I laugh

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