🌺34• Obsessed.

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Having so many turns on the bed makes me so uncomfortable, especially when my sleep never drops by.

I check my table clock and the time is still 6 am

Okay so it's been two weeks now and I haven't heard from Micah, he didn't come to my office, no calls, nothing. ..

And I don't know why the hell I'm worried.

And I guess that was what kept me awake all night.


Dropping down from my bed, I feel sore all over my body which is an unusual feeling,

Feeling nauseous, discomfort and  irritated.

I'll probably visit the doctor anytime soon.

I can't fall sick.


In fact, I'm not going to work today. I'm just sick and tired of everything.

I just wanna stay home and lazy around.

I get downstairs and make something for my self to eat, I have my breakfast and settle in my living room then turn on the tv.

Putting on the entertainment channel the first person I see is Micah and I didnt know why my heart skipped a beat.

Like it melted.

The headline says he's traveling on for a business trip to France along with someone suspecting to be his new girlfriend

But I only chuckle about it, fake news everywhere.

But why do I think it's a lie?

My instincts tells I'm the only one in his mind?

I'm I being so deceitful?

I further see Micah holding whosoever by her waist and a smirk appears by the edge of my lips.

Ok so like he has moved on and I'm glad



Fuck I crave for alot of things right now.

What the hell is even wrong with me?

Why do I keep acting and feeling weird these days.

I wear my beige color hoodie and a skin tight then walk in to my garage.

I select my car and hop in turning on the engine and allowing it to roar.

Okay I'm going to the store for ice cream.

I'm seriously craving for mint chocolate chip flavour.

Walking down from my car, and slamming the door behind me, I walk into the store and suck in a deep breath

I get in and walk in straight to the ice cream section to get my ice cream.

Getting there I see a lady with the exact type of cloth I had on.

A smile was tuck by the corner of my lips.

And who the hell is she?...

Only filthy rich bitches afford what I buy.

I arch an eyebrow when she turns and my mind fights about recalling the face somewhere.

When I couldn't rack again, I look away and at last finding my ice cream flavour then walking towards the counter to pay.

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