🌺28• Be mine.

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What is more interesting and sweet than having a sweet caring sister, and a happy mother?

I'm now living in damn luxury, I have a car, I run a fashion business supported by crystal, she made me the CEO in her second company, and I rule the empire over there.

Mom lives so perfectly like a young diva,

And I'm also living so perfectly fine, and oh...

Zach... My man...

He's madly in love with me and cares for me as fuck.

Yeah, we're madly in love with each other.

"Breakfast's ready girls, don't waste my time,!" Mom fusses as I walk downstairs glancing through my watch

"Oh crap, mom I'm late for an important meeting unfortunately,.. I'll get going." I say as mom flinches

"You always have meetings interrupting your breakfast, stay for a day and have breakfast with us." Mom nags as I sigh

"Hey mom... Good morning." Crystal walks downstairs looking as pretty as ever.

Okay i can't just stop liking every feature about her, she's just stunning and it fits her as a boss.

"Good morning sweetheart.." Mom beams as crystal walks to the dining table

"Mm....breakfast.." She inhales the sweet scent coming from the meal as mom nods

"Aren't you gonna eat breakfast? You're always missing it" crystal says as I sigh

I have no choice, or else I'll get too much nagging from mom

I pick up my phone calling my secretary immediately

"Cecelia,..I need you to cancel the meeting immediately, I won't be attending it, " I say as soon as she picks the call

"Oh..okay ma'am.." She replies as i nod cutting the call.

Let's have breakfast.

We had breakfast and I grab my car keys walking to the garage, I get into my car and start the engine and it roars.


How i always wanted to own a car....

My second fucking love.

Getting to work with a smile and nodding to anyone who greets, my secretary meets up and walks behind me and we get into the elevator.

"Have you rescheduled my plans Cecilia?" I ask glancing through my watch.

"Oh yes ma'am, everything's good." She says and I nod bluntly.

We get out of the elevator and I get into my office having my seat

The designing department assemble in my office showcasing the new designer dresses we made.

Glancing through them. They aren't bad at all

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