102. Enchantment!

Start from the beginning

"Gentlemen, just give me back my Lev and I will find myself out of here."

"Whatever makes you think we 'took' your nephew?"

Both Sly and psycho mafias stared at each other with their gray and dark gaze respectively, then Kinn had to come to prevent unnecessary dispute, especially in someone else's house.

"Mr. Screaigh, we didn't take your nephew, he came here on his free will with Amy."

"Where is he?" He asked, trying not to glance at Khun but to his sorrow it was Khun who replied.

"Oh! Lev boy is in the bedroom. Our little ones are torturing him out of his wits and my beautiful Amy is filming everyth-" Hearing the word 'torturing' Leon dash forward like a mad bull. "Ow how rude!"

As soon as he entered the bedroom he halted, his nephew was laughing uncontrollably while both Porchay and Macau were pinning him on the bed and tickling him savagely. Amy was acting like a pro camera-girl and capturing the moment from every angle possible.

Leonid went out to give a harsh look to Khun who over exaggerated the scene earlier as if it wasn't expected from him, but Leon wasn't aware of that. Now he realizes why nobody followed him inside.

"What! You didn't let me finish and get the wrong idea all by yourself as if you were expecting something bad to happen to your own nephew. Tsk! Tsk!" Khun held his chin up to scold him in disappointment and successfully made him go silent.

Kinn showed him to the lounge area where Screaigh went quietly.

"Hey Uncle! Finally you found the time to come." Amy said to get their attention then held out a coca-cola can and a plate with a strawberry flavored cupcake on it. Leon first looks at the plate then at Amy in question.

"I need to talk about something very very important to you."

"?" Screaigh turned his neck to look first at Vegas who was staring at Amy then to his business partner who just nodded for him to have a seat.

His sixth sense was telling him to be cautious and keep his guards up. He had the gun and his dagger in person but everyone else seems to be at ease. He glanced around the area, visibly they were having some kind of get-together when he barged into the house. How rude of him!

In one corner Porsche was playing cards with the bodyguards on the other corner a good looking guy was tuning his guitar. Leonid watched him until he remembered that it was actually Kim who planted the idea - actually a threat - of Lev to be involved in their messy world. His gaze turned into a glare and he took a tiny bite of cupcake, unconsciously.

It was funny that Kim didn't even spare him a glance, but something was telling Leonid that he was paying full attention even without looking. He took another little bite and looked at Amy who came with a big cushion. She placed it on the floor and sat on it.

She told him why she took her junior to her house and the whole event about Lev getting bullied. Kinn and Kim exchanged gaze to notice that she completely skipped the part where she personally gets involved in the fight.

She gave him the cellphone that she snatched from one of the bullies and told him to use it as evidence and make those boys expelled from the college.

"He doesn't want you to know, out of embarrassment perhaps. But you're his guardian so I thought you'd get the right to know. After all I can't afford to mingle every time and Luv's is your responsibility so take care of him yourself.
And in the future if you get stuck up into something and get late, make sure that his parents come to pick him up. Today we were the last to leave the college."

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