"You're too important to me, Olive... if something happened to you because of me again, I would never forgive myself. I need you. Now more than ever."

"You do have me, Sebastian. You always will." I said, letting my arms wrap around his body.

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" He asked, his lips still pressed against my head.

"Of course."

Sebastian pulled us apart and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before standing up and offering his hand to me. I took a hold of it and he led me up to his room. This time, Ominis was still awake. He was sitting on his bed, staring into space, lost in his thoughts. He turned his head in our direction as Sebastian and I entered the room, his eyes red and swollen from crying.

"You alright, Omi?" Sebastian said, approaching his bed and sitting on the edge of it.

"Oh. Sebastian, I am sorry... I didn't think anyone would be here for a while..." Ominis said, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

The two boys sat in silence for a while, Sebastian's own eyes beginning to well with tears again.

"... you really love her, don't you?" Sebastian said.

"With all of my being, Sebastian." Ominis said softly.

Sebastian let a small smile creep across his face. I was proud of him. He'd gone from once wanting to punch Ominis for it to being genuinely happy for them.

"I can tell. I will admit it's been hard to get my head around but... I'm glad that she has someone like you." Sebastian said.

Ominis sniffled and placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian hesitated for a moment, letting Ominis' hand linger before launching himself into his best friends arms.

I couldn't see Sebastian's face, but the shuddering of his body told me he was crying - no, he was sobbing into Ominis' shoulder.

As long as I'd known him, Ominis was never one for physical touch. I had tried to hug him once, but he simply stood there like a stone statue, unsure how to respond. But with his best friend in his arms, he wrapped his arms around his back tightly and joined him in his tears.

The scene unfolding in front of me showed just how far their friendship had come. I stood by the doorway, a mixture of emotions welling up inside me as I watched the beautiful moment in their friendship.

"Ugh. Sorry...I didn't mean for all that to happen." Sebastian said, his voice croaky and hoarse from his outburst as he let Ominis go. "Olive, come here."

Sebastian shifted over and made room for me on Ominis' bed. I reluctantly climbed onto Ominis' bed and Sebastian tucked me under his arm. His chest was still occasionally doing a small hiccup.

Sebastian then pulled Ominis into his other arm and he held the two of us tightly. Almost too hard.

"I have an idea." I said, finally getting Sebastian to release me.

"What's that?" He said.

"Follow me. Bring your pillows and blankets."

I opened Sebastian's trunk and pulled out the invisibility cloak. Sebastian jumped up frantic, not wanting Ominis to know but just as he reached out to stop me, I grabbed his arm and made him look at me, raising an eyebrow to encourage him to think about it... reeeeeally hard."

"Oh. Right." He murmured.

Ominis didn't know about the things we'd been doing to get these artefacts, but to Ominis, this would be nothing more than a regular old invisibility cloak.

Risk // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now