Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*

Start from the beginning

With Ranrok's loyalists long gone from Feldcroft since his downfall, we were able to head out of the hamlet safely. The further away we got, the thicker the fallen snow was. I hadn't realised it had actually snowed that much.

We found a clearing with only a few shrubs and rocks around to use as shelter.

"Perfect." Sebastian said, grabbing me by the arm and running away with me. He pulled me down behind a rock and began to talk strategies.

"Sebastian, one of them is blind and the other is chronically ill. I don't think we really need a game plan..." I said.

"Don't underestimate them. Especially Ominis. I don't know what sort of weird magic that wand is made of, but he's got aim."

Before Sebastian could strategise any further, a large snowball whacked him straight in the back of the head.

"Sorry!" Anne called.

"She's not!" Ominis called back.

"Oh, it's fucking on. I hope you can throw as good as you cast spells." Sebastian said with a competitive look on his face, rolling clumps of snow in his hands.

Sebastian's throw narrowly missed Anne causing her to squeal and I followed mine up immediately, whacking Ominis straight in the face.

Good one, attack the blind one, you bitch!

"Sorry, Ominis!" I called out, wanting to rush over but Sebastian had pulled my arm so hard I was forced to crouch down next to him.

"No. Don't apologise, they're the enemy now."

"Sebastian!" I said with a laugh.

Sebastian grinned mischievously and packed another snowball while whispering, "Alright, Olive, this is where we turn it to our favour. Watch and learn."

He quickly crafted an impressively compact snowball and signaled for me to follow his lead. We both stealthily circled around the shrubs, getting into the strategic positions he'd set out. The freezing air stung my cheeks as I crouched behind a snow-covered rock.

"Ready?" Sebastian mouthed. I nodded, finally allowing a grin to tug at my lips.

With a silent count to three, we both launched our snowballs simultaneously. Sebastian's throw was impeccably aimed, forcing Anne to duck for cover behind a shrub, while my snowball sailed through the air hitting Ominis square on the chest.

"Sorry!" I called again.

"Have you never been in a snow ball fight before? Stop apologising!" Sebastian whispered loudly.

Sebastian's comments were short lived as a large clump struck him straight in the back and I turned to see Anne standing with a wide grin on her face.

"Two from two!" She called out.

Mischief grew across Sebastian's face and he lost all the strategies he'd tried to get me to comply with. This was just pure attack mode.

The battle continued on, snowballs flying back and forth, until we were all out of breath, collapsing in the snow, our coats now completely drenched and awfully heavy.

Anne flopped down beside Sebastian and I, grinning from ear to ear. "I think we can safely say that victory is ours."

Ominis chuckled softly, his hand reaching out to find Anne's. "Indeed, my dear, it feels nice to finally get one up on Sebastian."

Sebastian pouted, feigning disappointment. "We would have won if Olive wasn't soooo gentle and caring."

"Uh, excuse you! I believe you were the one who threw all strategies out the window and just started throwing them everywhere!" I retorted, unimpressed with his tactics.

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