Chapter 22: The Boat House

Start from the beginning

He jumped back up eagerly and extended his hand, "My lady."

I graciously accepted his hand and let him help me step into the boat with a wide grin on his face.

Once he was sure I was settled, he climbed in himself, the boat rocking gently until he was sat and settled. He collected both of the oars and pushed the boat back with his leg until we were away from the dock.

Now out of the confines of the rickety old shed, Sebastian dropped the oars into the water and began to propel the boat straight out into the middle of the lake.

What a sight it was.

Dusk was beginning to encroach across the sparkling water, the sparse clouds on the horizon casting a mesmerising orange glow across the highlands. It reflected back off his shiny brown hair, giving it a gorgeous copper glow. His arms flexed and relaxed in his tight shirt as he leaned forwards then backwards, steering the boat easily.

He slowed his movements and let us float in the still water, his eyes catching mine.

"Lost in thought, are you?" He smirked at me as he pulled the oars back into the boat and leaned back, resting his elbows on the edge of it.

"Yeah, I guess I am," I replied, trying not to show just how much he affected me.

With a playful grin and a gentle laugh, Sebastian motioned for me to come closer. "Come here," he said, patting his lap gently, "I'll show you how to row the boat."

My heart skipped yet another a beat.

I obliged and carefully scooted myself forward and turned around so my back was firmly against his chest.

"Alright," he began, his voice soft and reassuring in my ear as he leaned forward and rested his chin on my shoulder, "the key to rowing is to maintain a steady rhythm. Hold the oars."

I placed my hands on each of the heavy wooden rowers and he slowly placed both of his on top of mine. I was certain he was likely to feel my rapid heartbeat with how close together we were.

"Good," he continued, guiding my hands and demonstrating the rowing motion. "Keep your grip firm but not too tight. Now, dip the oars into the water, and then pull them back smoothly."

I followed his instructions, feeling the resistance of the water as the oars sliced through. The boat glided forward, propelled by our synchronised efforts.

"Well, aren't you a natural?" He commented, clearly impressed with my rowing skills.

His hands left mine and moved to my waist as he let me steer the boat.

"Lean to the left if you want to turn in that direction," he instructed, his warm breath still tingling my ear.

With his guidance, I maneuvered the boat smoothly, and we glided across the calm surface of the lake until the boat stopped abruptly as I'd made it to the other end of the lake.

"Well done. First time steering a boat?" He asked, standing up gently and taking my hand to help me rise, careful not to tilt the boat too far.

"I've been in a boat, but yes, first time steering." I said with wobbly legs, trying to stay upright.

Sebastian helped me walk to the end and he jumped off first, dodging the shallow water between the boat and land. I threw him a filthy look, knowing I wasn't going to be able to make the jump without wetting my dress and shoes.

"Jump. I'll catch you, I promise." He smirked.

I had no choice but to trust him or else I'd be stuck in this damn boat until he decided to get back in.

Risk // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now