Chapter 20: Jealous Games*

Start from the beginning

"Sebastian? What are you doing here? I thought you preferred the comfort of your own bed rather than the... how did you describe it? 'Insufferable common room'?" Ominis said, realising I had stood in front of him as he lounged on a sofa.

"We're going to Quidditch." I said, holding a hand out to pull him off the lounge.

"Since when do you care about Quidditch," Ominis retorted, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I do today. Besides, it's a Gryffindor vs Slytherin match, and you know how intense those can get," I replied, trying to brush off his comment.

"You're going to watch Weasley, aren't you?" He chuckled.

"What? Ew! Why would I watch Weasley?" I scoffed back.

"Oh, I should be more specific. You're going to watch Olive watch Weasley." Ominis smirked again.

"Just get off the lounge, Gaunt," I rolled my eyes, grabbing onto his arm and dragging him with me.

I helped Ominis climb the seemingly endless amount of stairs until we reached the top of the Slytherin stands. I slotted myself towards the back, hoping no one would notice me as I never was an active Quidditch participant, even in my younger years. But I did attract the attention of Grace Pinch-Smedley. If I'm honest, I always found her presence insufferable.

"Strange seeing you here, Sallow. I didn't realise you had such an interest in Quidditch," She commented.

I heard Ominis stifle a small laugh from beside me and I nudged my elbow into his side to shut him up.

"I don't," I responded, my eyes ignoring her and scanning the stands for any sight of Olive.

"Well, since we both aren't interested, I suppose you won't mind if I sit here then. We can talk about something else other than Quidditch then."

I quickly flicked my eyes to her and gave her a small smile before returning to my search and she apparently took that as a yes from me as she sunk back into the seat more.

Halfway through the game I questioned why I had even bothered to come here, Quidditch was utterly boring, I was cold sitting so high up in the stands and I didn't see Olive at all. Plus, Ominis was pestering me to know what was happening all game which meant I had to pay some attention and when I didn't, he'd lean across me and ask Grace.

I was finally put out of my misery when the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch, securing them a win and I caught my first glimpse of Olive when she ran down to meet Garreth on the Quidditch pitch.

So she was here...

I watched her hug him. I watched him pull her back. I watched him cup her chin, lift her head and lay a kiss right on her mouth. For everyone to see.

"Oh my god! Did you see that?" Grace exclaimed.

"No, Grace. I didn't. I am blind," Ominis scoffed, "Enlighten me Sebastian."

I clenched my jaw and gnashed my teeth together, rage filling my body. I knew I was being irrational and it was my fault she was doing this but fuck, it killed me.

"Sebastian! What's happening?" Ominis asked again. But I couldn't bring myself to say the words out loud.

"Olive Raywood and Garreth Weasley just kissed in the middle of the field! I didn't even know they were dating!" Grace so lovingly reiterated for Ominis.

"Oh," Ominis said as he head whipped in my direction, "Did you want to leave?" He whispered.


I stood up quickly and almost pushed Grace out of the way, dragging Ominis with me. I didn't get far though because I had dear Natsai Onai grab me by the arm, swivelling me around on the way out from the stands.

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