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One year later.

Javier's pov

It's been a while, a year since we were in that reality. I haven't seen my friends, I escaped with Selam so I was only with him.

One thing that was.. That was hard, was that no one remembered us. So we had to build our identity, and then we had to make a life.

Selam and I lived in a small cottage away from the public area. We visited his mother, and thankfully she was the only one who remembered us.

We talked about our experiences, and she insisted that we should stay with her. We just thanked her, and stayed for a few days before leaving to start on our own.

I was now studying to be a vet, and I had a mini job to make sure we're comfortable. Selam had proved himself worthy and was now somehow working for a secret rebellious group.

I fought him because of the dangers, but I was proud of him for doing something so bold and helpful to others who needed help but weren't getting it. I mean, he only bribed me with my favorite dishes so I had no choice but to accept it.

Sometimes I wondered how our friends were, how Herr Schneider was doing with his daughter. But I could only imagine, and hope they were all okay.


Herr scheiders pov

"Say cheese." Ruth's long black hair was braided, I watch how Yanli joked with Ruth. She insisted on taking the pics for Ruth's birthday, when I encoutered her yesterday on the streets.

Yanli looked tired, she had eyebags, and her hair was in a messy bun. When she smiled, she didn't seem happy.

I pat her shoulder and try my best to be kind, "Are you okay? How's Maryam?"

She sends me a lazy grin, "Maryam and Asadi are planning on getting married, they're really happy. And I'm okay, it's.. It's getting better, I've come to terms with Elena's death. Her death doesn't mean my life is over, it's just the beginning."

A sparkle of hope is twinkling in her eyes, and I can't help but feel glad, "That's good. If you ever feel lonely, you can come to me, I know how much you miss her, Kojo, Selam and Javier."

She frowns, "I don't miss Kojo, but I do miss the others. I hope they're okay."

I hum, "I'm sure they are. Don't worry, we will meet them, soon hopefully."

She smiles.


Daniels pov

I screamed when I met Selam in the street, we were in the same area. I practically jumped on him, and played with his curls because I missed them the most.

Selam was living with Javier, clearly his soon to be Husband, and they were really stable.

Selams hair had gotten way longer, and they looked really good. Javier's hair had gotten also longer, it seems they didn't wanna cut it.

We met with my now boyfriend Viraj, and we talked a lot. I told them about how I met Asadi, and he's getting married to Maryam, and Javier couldn't stop the tears. Probably because he thought he would never see us ever again.

While Hanging out with Javier and Maryam, and Selam, we saw Yanli sitting alone in a coffee shop. We had all noticed that she looked really dull, when she saw us, it was as if whatever was taken away from her, was back.

We spent at least a few days together, and have grown really attached to each other.

And we soon learned that Elena was dead. Selam also said that Brian was dead too, and we could tell that Javier was trying his best not to cry.

He was silent the entire time, and didn't even answer any questions.

Selam knew he was definitely blaming himself.


Javier's pov

We all stood in front of the grave we made for Elena, Brian (despite the fact that his body wasn't here.) And.. Kojo.

Kojo had died of suicide. Asadi was the one who saw her, he said that she looked weird so he wanted to speak to her but it ended up with him following her. What he saw really did a number on him.

She killed herself, and the place she was staying was filled with our names and apologies.

I felt like.. I hadn't done enough. But Selam spent a whole week trying to make me believe that it wasn't my fault. And it wasn't.

It was sad, and I felt bad but I couldn't blame myself.

I couldn't do it anymore, so I walked away.

Selam followed me and the rest stayed there, placing flowers on my friends' graves.

I sob into Selams chest, "..I'm not sure why I feel this way.. I'm sorry, it's just.."

He wipes my tears, "I love seeing you so vulnerable in front of me, it shows you trust me."

I smile.

He places a soft kiss on my lips, "Now now, no late night movies for you, so quit crying and let me comfort you."

I pout, but nod, "Okay okay... Selam, do you ever wonder about the principal?"

He shakes his head, "I already swore to you that if she ever decides to come back, I'll slaughter her with my own hands."

And I believed that.


Because Selam had found ALL of the guys that hurt me, and he killed them with his very own hands, in the woods. And I caught him, he only gave me a sweet smile, and caressed my head as he whispered, "Let's go home.."

It was.. an experience. I was a bit surprised but very aroused, and I wasn't sure why.

Let's just say that when he found out I was aroused, he fucked the shit out of me for at least an hour.

And he was still teasing me about it after like days.

But I knew I loved him.

Very much.

I was happy I met my friends, and I was happy I made it out.

Now, if the principal did come back.

We would kill her.

And make her suffer for making a School for people who would be Unknown.

But don't worry, we weren't so unknown, so she failed at that.

And we all knew that she was the one who became Unknown.

If she tried anything,

She would be outnumbered.

For now,

It was time to enjoy the real world.


Thank you for reading my book: School of the unknown. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope the ending didn't seem rushed.

Have a nice day, goodbye.

FALSE: School of the Unknown.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora