27. Lockdown.

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Javier's PoV

We didn't even a notice the figure that was watching us the entire time. We were too caught up in the moment.

When Selam and I walked back, we discovered that we were holding hands. Setting his hand free, I smile as my face is tinted red. I announce that we should go to my room to tell everyone about what we found out.

So here we are.

"That's why."

Yanli pinches her nose shut, "No wonder you guys smell so.. Funny."

I nod, "Yeah.. So let me just quickly say, we now know that the headmaster is behind all of this."

Daniel thoughtfully says, "I just can't wrap my head around all of this."

Maryam softly says, "Well.. That's because they must have lied to us a lot, so even if we remember we still can't believe a few things."

Selam loosens his tie, "For now, we need to have at-least one teacher on our side. Sir Schneider. And find out exactly what happened to the missing students, and where they are."

Later we'll just have to figure out exactly where the fuck we are.



We hear gun shots, and Yanli is instantly alarmed. She screams, "Lock down!!!!"

I raise an eyebrow, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON."


How did we...

They then erase our memories. That's what happened to the students? Death, and beatings?

Yanli's hands sparkle, purple electric sparks are forming around her hands. Her eyes glow purple and she groans, I then see what she's making,

A portal.

She moves her hands away from each other to create space for the portal to form in between her hands and in front of her, groaning loudly, she forces out, "..Get.. In! Now!"

Daniel grabs Maryam and they run inside of the portal leading to a mountain. Yanli stares at us, but I take a deep breath and push Selam in the portal, my smile is downward, and my eyes are knitted together, "I'm sorry, I'll be right there."

Yanli looks confused, I nod towards the portal, and I open the door making my way towards the hallway.


Regret. That's what I feel.

Dead bodies litter the floor, peoples screams are heard throughout the hall ways but they're still somehow stuck in our heads, and the pungent smell of blood, plus the sound of gun shots.

I spot Miss Miranda pushing a girl down, a girl that looked like a young teen. Her demeanor changed completely, and I couldn't help but wonder how that was even possible. Herr Schneider looked like he was in distressed, and I could immediately sense that it was because of his daughter.

We lock eyes. And instantly sense that he's afraid for his daughter. Focusing my energy, I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm praying to GOD that it does.

I want to take Herr Schneider to my memories so he can see his daughter. I close my eyes and block out all of the sounds, and focus on my breathing. Opening my eyes, I'm back at darkness.

It worked?

Herr Schneider is in front of me, and he seems confused, raising his voice "Where are we?"

I blankly state, watching my own memories past by me, "My mind place, I presume. Herr Schneider, I want to show you Ruth. I met her."

He widens his eyes, "..What.. where?"

I raise a hand to swipe my memories across the darkness, and hold it up in the air still when I find the memory im looking for. It was as if I subconsciously knew how to use my abilities, call it unrealistic, but it was easier this way as I practiced nonstop.

I show him the memory, and tears run down his face, his bottom lip quivering uncontrollably, "..Ruth..? What did they do to you.."

"The headmaster tricked you. They are never going to give you Ruth back, they only wanna experiment on her."

His eyes snap back to me, "..I figured.. Where is she?"

I feel something sharp sting my stomach, I feel sick and the pain is burning. I groan, "..Lab.. she's in a lab.. in the Woods.."

He furrows his eyebrows, "..Javier, thank you.. I remember, I do.. And I want my Ruth back." He wails. I pity him. I pity all of these teachers. Except for Miss Miranda she's clearly evil.

Clutching my stomach, I force out, "..Rememeber, and pretend you don't know anything."

The darkness fades, and I'm on my knees. The blurred face in front of me, although this time I make out a wide scary grin plastered on their face. But before they even manage to step a foot forward. A portal appears and I quickly drag my body towards it.

My reality changing to that of the mountain.


I cough out blood, and Maryam presses on my stomach, "..Oh no.. Javier, I told you to be more careful.. why didn't you come with us?" This is the first time that she's scolding me, and I deserve it.

Blood drips down my mouth, and I choke saying, "Herr Schneider... on.. our side." They don't seem relieved, but it's probably because I got shot. Selam nods, his grip on my hands tightening, "..That's not important now! Focus on your breathing.. one.. two.."

An idea hits me and I explain, "..I can.. maybe try to.. make myself.. forget ever getting ..shot, so then if it never happened.. then I might h-heal.."

Like manifestation. You say you got something? You actually believe it? It will manifest. Like prayers, God will make sure it manifests in your life. So I should try that, and I pray it works. I can't die! The main characters never do, and I'm clearly one.

I close my eyes, and focus on the pain. My eyes open and they roam around the darkness. Raising my hand, I find my memory of now, swiping my hand towards the left, it disappears into the void.

I groan. Then..


My eyes flutter open, Maryam is in front of me, and her hands are lifting my shirt up, she seems confused? What happened? I talked to Herr Schneider, but I dont rememeber what happened after that.

Selam questionably says, "Javier..? Do you remember?"

Rememeber.. what? I feel my eyes rolling up,

I gasp and everything becomes clear. I wanted to forget ever getting shot, but only for a few minutes, and it worked? My practice really paid off. I'm so glad. I feel so proud of myself and I'm only getting even more stronger and stronger. It truly is the best feeling ever.

I breathlessly say, my chest heaving, and my hands clutching Selam's vest, "It.. worked?"

Daniel inquiries, "How.."

I shrug, "I.. think.. Manifestation? I mean.. if you don't remember something happening, or believe it never happened then it will be manifested, right? Although I thought itd take forever before it manifests, I guess it has something to do with belief?"

Yanli speaks up, "Well, whatever it was I'm glad you're back but we need to go. It'll be suspicious if we go back unharmed, so I need us to act scared."

Maryam mumbles, "..No need for that.. I'm already scared."

All I wanted was to see the headmasters memories. I could've done that if I hadn't been shot. But I'll soon have time for that.


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