26. And a sweeter kiss.

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Javier's PoV

My head can't seem to wrap itself around this new found information. Understandable, because neither can I! It all made sense.

As Selam said, why the voices were similar, how we never saw the headmaster, how there was nothing about them, and how the teachers almost never spoke about them!! It was as if they didn't exist. But they did. And they were behind all of this.

Selam and I were now in a bloody room, there were organs, more organs, and mushy squirming things all around the floor, and on the walls. I feel my stomach churn in disgust, were they eating the humans or what?


That thought stayed in my head when I spotted a hand that looked like it ripped off. And a dead body that had tons of bite marks that resembled that of a Vampire. But also that of a dog, a werewolf? It was as if, they took careful bites before consuming the body.

Vampires and werewolves are real? I knew it.

Call me overdramtic, but I had to puke, tears filled my eyes.

Selam pats my back but stiffens up and so do I when I hear footsteps heading directly towards this room!!

Wiping my tears, Selam silently makes his way over to the bloody body, and rubs some of it on his clothes, and skin, even his hair!!!!

Fuck no! I knew what he was doing.. ¡Híjole!!

He quickly goes towards me, splashing me with a bucket full of blood, and then rubs it all over my body making sure to cover my skin, and I can already feel the tears running down my face from disgust.

Grabbing my wrist, he yanks me off my feet and drags me over to a closet, opens it, and we hide inside.

It's quite spacious, except the fact that I'm against Selams body, and his hands around my waist holding us even closer.

I wish we could speak telepathically, I would ask him if he can do that, but I can't when I spot a figure with long black hair and a scarily blurred face inspect the room. Before approaching us, staring directly into the closet.

Why is their face blurred? I can't tell if it's a woman, man, or both!!!

I can send you messages

Huh? I raise an eyebrow, who.. Selam?


Ew you're in my thoughts, does that mean you know what I imagine.



Are you scared?


Always so sassy.

You like it though.

I.. tolerate it, sure.


I catch his eyes flickering to my lips, and I wanna be selfish so bad and kiss him. But we can't when I'm so bloody.

The headmaster stays there. Doesn't move or say anything, but it doesn't shock me when I don't hear them breathing. All I see is their sharp ears, long neck, and blurred face. Still didn't know why it was blurred.

Selam leans forward, and I hold my breath, his hands slowly slide down my back, and rest at my hips.

I bite myself, and think about how I'm bloody.

I know you are.

Why do you wanna kiss me?

Do I? Or do you?

I roll my eyes, What are we Selam?

What do you want us to be?

No, answer the question. What do you want us to be?


Can we get to know each other better.

It didn't sound a question but more like a statement.

We can, always.


Awkward silence.

So you wanted to kiss me?



Because.. I cannot lie anymore. I feel something for you, it's fast, and weird. But it's all because of that day.

Selam, I.. I have felt something-

The headmaster groans and storms off, but they make sure to turn around and glare at the closet before slamming the door shut.

Before they left, I saw a scene of black and white, and them laying on a bed with their organs splattered out of their stomach.


The door was surprisingly open, so we left using the same window as before.

The rain didn't stop, in fact it grew stronger! I rubbed the blood on my skin using the rain to wash it off quicker! My hair was already drenched and it was sticking to my skin. Washing my face and lips, I make sure my hands are also clean.

Selam does the same too. I sigh and march forward excited about our sweet discovery, "Alright so-"

But Selam grabs my arm, and yanks me towards him, my chest hitting his. He stares down at me with a pleading look, and I can't help but gaze at his lips before confusingly looking into his now soft eyes. His eyes are unusually soft, and they sparkle like he just saw his lost twin, or better, as if he's afraid he'll lose me. Lose someone who's really important to him.

Whatever decision I choose will determine what will become of us. Of this place.

So I close my eyes, and I feel soft lips against mine. A kiss that's careful and slow as if we're both cherishing everything we have gone through, cherishing our time together.

A kiss that's sweeter than our sweet Discovery.

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