1. Awaken

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Javier's POV

I hear voices. My eyebrows twitch as I try my best to wake up.

An inner voice begging me to wake up, because it feels.. Unsafe, worried.

I focus more on the voices so that I at least know where I am, and who I am. No, I know who I am. I'm Javier.. Javier what? What's my last name? Who am I?

Why don't I know who I am? Or at least, why am I unsure about my Identity?

The voices get louder, my eyes flutter and they open slowly, I squint not used to anything but darkness, and a strange beeping noise next to me, a beeping noise that is similar to a Machine.

"Javier Sanchez, a Mexican twenty one year old male. Height: 178. "

Was that who I was?
An inner voice seemed to recognise that name. Yes, that is who I am.

But who are these people?

My eyes fixate themselves on the lamp right on top of me. My mouth was so dry and my eyes weren't used to seeing light, as if I've been unconscious for years.

A man with a blue face mask, and a blue headwear is looking at a notepad and the other one at the other side is looking directly at me.

His eyes widen and he quickly gestures towards the other Man, "Look! He's awake!"

The Man that was looking down at his notepad stares directly at me with shocked eyes. His expression then turns into an excited one. He turns off the lamp and the other Man shows up with a small flashlight. He turns it on and points it directly at my eyes causing me to furrow my eyebrows, squint my eyes, and look away.

"What do you remember?" The Man questions. I wonder why that is the first thing he chooses to ask me, as if... If I remembered something, it'd be bad.

My dry mouth and sore throat fight to stop me from speaking, I say something but it comes out as a whisper, "..N-n... No...  Nothing.. Where..?-"

The man quickly interrupts me, and it seems he doesn't want me to ask ANY questions.

Who were these men? They seemed like doctors.. or..

The other Man that was looking down at his notepad earlier, clears his throat and carefully says, "Javier, do not ask questions. You were in a coma for many years, you are now twenty one years old and-"

I'm confused. I don't understand anything, I don't know these men but why do they know me? They didn't mention anything of me having amnesia, so.. why did they seem- Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

"..No.. Coma? ..Somethings.. not right. You..  ..Liar.. Liar! Lia—!!"

I feel something extremely sharp pierce through my neck, the Man with the flashlight injected me with something that was making me feel dizzy.

The other Man removes his mask and grins, "It's okay, you will feel fine. Next time you wake up, don't ask any questions."


My eyes flutter open, I spot two men besides me.
One of them was watching me the entire time, he creepily smiles and slowly whispers, "Remember anything?"

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, who are these men? I shake my head and watch them exchange a look.

"Good, do you know who you are?"

I nod and carefully say, because something tells me I shouldn't trust these men, and I should be careful with my words, "I know who I am, but.. I don't know where I am, or who you are."

The man who smiled creepily mumbles under his breath and then attempts to make me feel relieved, "..Good Good.. Javier, you are at your school. You've been in a coma for years due to an attack."

I bite my lower lip as tears form in the corners of my eyes, I didn't like feeling helpless, why don't I remember anything, don't I have a family? Or-

"..How.. many.. ye-years.. was I.. in a- ..a co-coma for?"

The man proudly smiles to the other creepy doctor man as if he was relieved and happy that I was.. believing him?

Why would I need to believe him if this was true since he told me?

An inner voice was telling me not to trust these men. And that it wasn't true.

But I will play along, I have a bad feeling about these men and if I look closely at them, I can see.. their lives?


I'm not sure.

"You've been in a coma for six years."

Six years..? My family? My life? I don't.. I don't even know why I'm this way and how and why I got here. I don't believe these men. If what they say is true, then why don't I remember my life? Why don't I remember ever coming here? Or their faces?

Sigh.. I.. I'm scared. I'm scared shitless and I feel helpless, so I'll listen and I won't ask questions. I have a feeling that if I do, I won't rememb-


I sigh closing my eyes, "Am I okay now? Can I go back to school?"

I didn't ever remember going to school, I don't know anything but I'll play along until shit starts to make sense.


What have I gotten myself into.

I hear footsteps and a Woman's voice is heard loud and clear, "Give him some clothes, he is ready to start his new and destined life. I will escort him."

New and destined life?  Qué demonios. I'm too tired and confused to even think. Maybe I'll feel better if I get proper rest and walk around, if I can walk.

The men agree in silence and help me up, they bring me some clothes and then guide me to a room I can change in, but one of them insists on staying outside, to make sure I don't leave.

I take a deep breath annoyed at how confused I am.

Hopefully this all makes sense soon.

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