41. No time left.

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Javier's pov

I gasp. The principal.. Or rather, Josephine looks at me with an intrigued expression, "Do you honestly believe I'm not aware of your plan?"

Play dumb.

I raise an eyebrow, "What? You said you'd tell me a story, and all I get is that?"

She Snickers, "Why? Not satisfied? Or did you expect something different?"

I hum, "No.. Why did you bring me here? Because Kojo alerted you that my friends are aware?"

She pauses. She expressionlessly says, "Tell me, they're all not dead, right? And you guys must be planning to escape, right? Maybe you thought you could get some information out of me. Maybe you were wondering why Viraj was still alive?"

I show her a sly smirk, "I'm more than proud to say that, No, I didn't think I could get information out of you. I knew I could. You do know what my abilities are right? There's nothing that gets past me."

I scowl, "Change reality as much as you want, but remember that as you do so, there's always gonna be a loophole. And I will always manage to remember."

She's no longer amused.

But then..

Josephine leans forward, and presses her hands against the table to lift herself up. Her eyes fixates on mine, and she whispers sultry, "..I like you."

That caught me off guard. But I didn't let it show on my face. I sigh and look away, "Who doesn't. Josephine, I'm sure your goal is to be together with Viraj, as he looks like Alfred. But.. In order to do so, you need to realize your wrongdoings. You need to get your facts checked, and you need to show him that you are changed woman."

I glare at her, my voice firm, "How will you be able to do that, if you're still the same as ever? Realize your mistakes, or Do I have to do that for you?"

She guffaws, "You..? For me? Who do you think-"

I grab her wrist, and tighten my grip, "I know who I am. But I'm certain you don't who you are."

She frowns, "How dare you touch me! I am the Headmaster, I am the one who-"

"No Josephine, you are more than that. You're a Woman who has gone through a lot, and has projected her pain onto other people who have not done anything to her. Your.. Desire, was appropriate and good,"

My face darkens, and I lowly say, "But your approach was absolutely terrible. And you are no hero. Instead, you became the monster you swore others wouldn't fear. The monster you knew wasn't you, my words may not be important to you, but I'm disappointed."

She snatches her wrist away from my hold, and exhales breathlessly. Her eyes widen, and she fails to stop the tears that glisten in her eyes. Her body trembles dangerously, and she ushers me to get out of her office.

"Leave! Do not come back!!"

I smirk, I walk over to the door, and open it, "That would be my worse nightmare, so do not expect me to be back." With that, I slam the door shut. Ignoring her low whimpers.


Yanli pov

A week had gone by but Javier was safe. Although.. He didn't join training, it was only until in the morning that he sat next to Selam, who caressed his hair.

Before that, I.. was dealing with someone.

Elena laid on my bed, and she continuously whimpered, "..I'm sorry.. So sorry.."

I sigh, too tired to think of a perfect answer, I end mumbling, "It's really fine. Elena, I need you to sleep, okay? The pill is working as you already ate. Now.. If you really are sorry, you'll sleep for me, okay?"

She gazes at me, lifts her hand up, and caresses my cheek. She sends me a soft smile, and breathes out as if she's relaxing, "Alright.."

She closes her eyes, and turns to her side. Sighing comfortably as she focuses her intention on sleeping.

Finally she listens to me.

A part of me still longs for her. And it was all because I spoke to her. All because I couldn't keep avoiding her, as I didn't want to bother her. But maybe during the process, I hurt her. So this... This wasn't too bad.

It was peaceful, as if that incident never happened.

But why did Elena seem... off? Her body language around me had become more soft, and it reminded me of something like...

No it couldn't be. I doubt it.

Elena had told me everything from what she remembered.

She woke up when she was fifteen, just like Kojo, and she was taken away when she was on her way home after a Family gathering. She had gone to use the bathroom, and the next thing she knew... She was being taken away.

For four years. She's been studying, and the Teachers have been telling her she'd leave. But when? Why was she still here? Nothing had changed, and she.. THEY were never allowed to go out and see the World.

I couldn't wait to get out of here.

Taking a deep breath, I decide to shower. The tournament was in a week, or a few days. I wasn't even sure at this point.


Kojo's pov

I only felt regret. The tears threatened to fall, but I couldn't let them run down my face.

I was doing this for my parents. They were being held up.


When I woke up here. I wasn't scared. I was happy.


BECAUSE I had planned it. I had planned every second of it. They took away MY parents from me. And I knew, I needed to get them back.

I was living in Texas, and one day, my parents were gone. Gone after two women visited us. It was strange, and the cops weren't helping us.

So when I noticed those two women were still in town, I watched, and I observed. I gathered all of the clues I could, and I must have caught the principals eyes. So I ended up here. That was my true story.

It was all for my parents. And I still hadn't have them back, but I knew...

I knew that since the principal was planning on killing all of the students, and planning on making new ones with their experiments, and that I would get them back.

No matter what it took.

One tournament for the special people. One Festival, and that's it.

They don't have much time anymore.

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