7. Constant Confusion.

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Asadi's pov

Javier zoned out on me when I smiled, was he surprised?

Maybe I do seem intimidating after all! Good, because Selam always told me that I looked too cute to be real, which made me feel both happy and mad, mad because I wasn't hot like the other guys.

But as long as Maryam notices me.

She was the third person I was interested in after I woke up.

I woke up from a Coma last year, the same day as Daniel, I guess that's why we became friends, because we were both alone.

But Selam soon befriended us, he helped us a lot.

AND we were grateful.

Like I said, I woke up from a coma, and that sucked. But what sucked more was that I didn't have an ability.

But two of my friends had abilities, so that was enough for me.

I woke up only knowing who I was, other than that, I didn't understand how I got here.

BUT I knew better than to ask any questions, the last time I did, I was beaten.

But no one needs to know that.

Anyways, I knew that I was Asadi, a twenty two year old Afghan Man, who was straight as a ruler and a Muslim, who was on top of that, 165 in height.

But Maryam was 167 so it was.. okay.

Now, Imagine me being friends with someone who liked the same gender, wait, don't, because I already am. Selam, a bisexual man.

But he was my friend so I accept him, although I can't support it, I know better than to talk bad about him because of that.

Anyways, we waited for Javier to dress up, and he was shocked when he found us waiting behind his door. We forced him to sit with us at breakfast, so he wouldn't feel alone,

despite Daniel not caring and Selam being his chill self.


Maryam's pov

I saw Asadi, Daniel, Selam, and Javier walking together. They were kind for letting him sit with them, as he was probably alone with no friends.

I'm sure it was Asadi's idea, he's always so sweet and kind.

I sigh and look away, Elena, Brian, and I were here since we were 15.

We're all 19 now. Four years here, and for some reason we still.. Haven't been outside.

We were all held up here, weird, isn't it?


No it wasn't weird.

When I woke up, I had an ability, and I've been using and practicing them for four years, but my picture hasn't been hanged up.


Because we haven't gotten the fifth person with an ability yet, and if we do, there will be tournaments for us and as Miss Miranda has said, maybe there's gonna be a room where all of the people with abilities will practice in.

But maybe.

It was still strange how all I know is that my name is Maryam, I'm an Arab straight woman who is nine teen years old, and is a Muslim.

That was all. Don't know who my parents are, or what life I had.

But.. I'm somehow comforted by that.


Javier's pov

I ate my breakfast silently as they were talking. I felt someone watching me but I couldn't bring myself to turn around.

Finally fed up with it, I place my fork down that I was using to eat this surprisingly delicious fruit salat, and turn around.

A man with dark hair was staring directly at me, he was one of the security men that was guarding the boys's dorms. He was also there when I woke up.

Even when I entered the dorm, he was watching me and still is with a weird look. Even his smile is uncomfortable so I look away and stare directly at Selam's eyes,

That were, in fact, on me the entire time. It was as if he knew that whenever we looked at each other something weird would happen, I break the eye contact, and focus on my food.

A sudden realization hits me.

What am I doing here?

Who are these people, I'm not 21, I'm 15, this isn't... Where am I?

What the fuck..

Where are my parents, who are these-


I blink several times when Asadi calls for me, he has a worried expression on his face, "Are you okay?"

I feel something dripping, my nose is bloody. I pinch the bridge of my nose and clean my nose with a paper that Selam hands me.

I nod, I must have zoned out, but what was I thinking about? "Yeah, I'm.. I'm okay, I'm just.."

My eyes make eye contact with someone I presume is a teacher, he stares at me and brings out a phone to call someone while staring at me, ".. Overwhelmed."

I ignore the look of concern of their faces and smile, „I don't feel hungry, I'll- I'll go to my classes now."

I stand up and hurriedly walk away from the scene.


I held my breath as my footsteps were loud and clear, since I was clearly stomping my way towards the Biology Building.

I enrolled, and I was gonna be studying to be a Vet. They didn't even reject me, how unrealistic. They just accepted me, and were happy that they had a new student since not everyone wants to be a Vet.

But I was grateful. I must have zoned out again, and my thoughts were restarting.


Restarting? Why would they-

I run into a Tall Man, the same Man that was staring at me, he squints his eyes as if he were observing me, "Something wrong?"

Fed up with this weird school, and these weird people, I explode, "Yes!! there is something wrong, What the hell is going-" A hand is pressed against my mouth.

A dark skinned Woman that was at least four cm shorter than I was glared at the teacher in front of me, "Ah! I found him, Sorry Sir Schneider, my friend is a bit.. Scared today."


Who was this woman, I didn't even know her, but then my mind drifted to the part where the rules stated to not ask any questions.

I thank her Internally!!

She drags me away from that Man, and scowls, "Are you crazy?! I'm sure you know to not ask any questions.."

She had Gold braids that were long till her butt, she had brown eyes and big lips, and her features were soft, plus her body was lean, muscles visible.

I breathlessly say, "I know.. I.. I'm just confused."

She stands in front of me, and snaps at me, clearly angry at my stupidity, "Well snap out of it. It's the first day, trust me, you don't want to be punished."

She sighs and seems like she's deciding to cut me some slack, "..Go on, don't ask any questions."

She walks past me, but I turn around and call out to her, "Wait! What's your name?"

She blinks taken back and then she waves me off, walking away from the scene as she says, "Kojo. Now run along!"

She sprints away, her braids moving aesthetically in the air.

This place is full of.. Interesting but thankfully good looking people.

My first day here and I already know at least four people, Asadi, Selam, Daniel, Maryam, and five now, Kojo.

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