40. A demon.

5 3 0

Third person's pov

The fire blazed, and the roaring and shrieking sounds of the humans filled her ears. A fog was all they could see, and they couldn't resist the urge to cough as the smoke coming from the fire caused an uncomfortable feeling in their lungs.

But the foolish scientists didn't know if it was because of them. But... It was quite obvious it was them. And they knew, they couldn't let anyone find out that it WAS them who caused the Village to be in a chaotic state.

But.. She just stood there. Breathing slowly, and carefully. Her hair nested messily on her head, and a tiny hand in her grasp.

She was only a baby. And her mother, someone who was foolish, someone who cared about MONEY, someone who didn't even care for her own child, because as long as the king blessed her for birthing a child for him then it was okay.

A child that was experimented with a strange but curiousity evoking substance, that was found somewhere carefully hidden in the wilderness.

The mother was hesitant at first, but knowing that she will soon be comfortable, no longer poor, and be able to go back to her kids WITH money. It was worth it.

They fed ALL of the substance to the Woman, she was very afraid because no one was sure she would make it alive.

During the third week. The baby had grown too fast. The mother was sick, and couldn't eat properly because the baby wasn't feeding from what she was eating. The king felt anxious, and all he could do was wait, wait until she died.

It was.. Peculiar. Why was the child growing so fast but it couldn't eat and yet it was growing so fast? It didn't make sense. But when the maids, and the guards were alerted due to the Mother screaming in the middle of the night, those.. Gut wrenching, and Soul crushing screams made everyone shiver in fear.

They thought she was attacked, or maybe, it was time to give birth to the baby. But.. it was. Just not in that sense. It was way more complicated.

Something the baby had done, something people couldn't believe, and something that made people suspect that, that baby.. Was a Demon.

The baby had eaten her Mother's organs, not only that. But everything else. It sucked the blood, and swallowed the liver, the lungs.. And so on.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the mother did not make it. And the king was only fascinated. Such strange strength, and such weird tastes really intrigued him. What...

..did the substance turn the baby into?

Fast forward.

The baby had grown. She was now a toddler, but things have changed. She shed tears, and snarled with her long fangs at anyone who tried to hurt her.  But that didn't do anything. They.. Were cruel.

They tortured, played with her and taught her things a CHILD shouldn't have to know. But she wasn't an ordinary child. They had labelled her as a Demon. But we all know that wasn't what she was.

But she proved them right by Killing her father. The king.

The toddler had grown. Had grown into a fine young woman. But her thirst never changed. Her long limbs laid on the hard bed, and her organs were out of her stomach. Blood splattered around her, as the child of the man, she had loved ate her.

But she only smiled. And whispered sweet words to the child, to soothe him. The child was the result of a human Scientist who had RAPED a Girl who was similar to what..

"What is your name?" The child asked. His brown eyes sparkled with genuine curiosity.

And she grinned. "I'd like to call myself.. Josephine Estelle."

..Josephine was. But it took them years to figure the term to address them as. Vampire.


Josephine was given an old book to read by the man she loved. That was how she got her name, inspired by her favorite character. A strong woman who had suffered, and died at the end. But Josephine knew that, that wouldn't be her case.

The child, his name was Alfred. He was obsessed with Josephine's long hair, and had wished she was his mother. He talked about how he hated his father, and how it was also due to him pushing him to be a FULL vampire, and also because he kept Josephine hostage.

But then... Josephine grinned so widely, and scarily as she explained to the child, that if he had gotten her out of here, then he'll be able to live with her for eternity.

And the child agreed.

So there she was.

Josephine stood watching the burning village wither away. Alfred's hand in her grasp, she sighed relieved it was over, and she walked away.


Josephine dreamed. She wondered, and imagined how she could reshape the world.

A hundred year later, Josephine had already discovered her reality warping abilities. And she tried to make sure that Alfred...

It was all a dream.

Alfred had died exactly ninety two years ago. And yet, Josephine was still hallucinating about him. Was she that.. obsessed with the kid, because he was the child of someone she had loved? Or was it because she had grown used to the child's crying, and its gleefulness.

Alfred's body was weak. It couldn't handle being half human and half Vampire. So his body started to kill him. And Josephine couldn't stand him being in pain, so she ended his life. Quickly, but painlessly.

The world hasn't changed. It was still as cruel as ever.

So Josephine wanted to create a better place, a better world. A school, a hospital, anything. But first, she would create a School, full of overpowered humans with her blood running through their veins. Or rather, the substance that caused her to become what she was.

With a little bit mixture of Alfred's blood. That way, they would be overpowered homosapiens.

And Josephine was happy of what she had accomplished.

Until a bunch of young adults, and teens ruined it. By being aware of her selfish, and cruel deeds.

FALSE: School of the Unknown.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat