42. The 0.5%

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Javier's pov

It was the day of the tournament. I couldn't lie but say that I was both excited and scared. I knew the consequences. I was sure that a few people would either use us, treat us differently and badly, worship us, and lastly, avoid us.

I wasn't sure why they wanted us to show everyone who the people were with abilities. What happened after that? The teachers never made it clear what would happen after that. Would we go to school normally, or did we have to do things at the school, help people perhaps?

Whatever happened, I knew for a fact it wasn't anything good.

I took a deep breath and walked towards Maryam, "Hey, are you doing okay? You seem out of it." I thought I saw her eyes roll back.

She still manages to give me a polite smile, despite looking so tired and sick, "..Of course. I'm just really nervous. I'm not sure what Asadi would think of me."

I gulp, I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for me to touch her, but I caressed her hand quickly and retreated slowly, saying to her softly "If he really loved you, then he would accept you, BUT ask a few questions."

I end with a sly smirk. She laughs before taking a few deep breaths.

It was time to go.

Yanli looked tense but Proud. I can tell from her previous memories, which I shouldn't read, that she had a bit of a moment with Elena. I hope whatever is going on between the two of them, works out well.


Selams pov

It was easy. I was certain everyone was watching us now.

But thankfully it wasn't anything we needed to compete against each other for. We needed to work together.

Apparently, if Javi is right, the stundens we were fighting against were the ones who.. Who were missing. Weird, right? Well to me they seem like zombies, clearly brought back to life. It was strange.

Really strange.

Our goal was to protect our building. Our building was a building we would all be staying in, but obviously we were all scattered around in it. And those students needed to find a way in, so we would all be using our abilities to work together.

Daniel already gave everyone their jobs, since he was from the Intelligence building, it was really obvious whatever plan he had would work out for the best.

If the students touched us, then we lose the entire game, and they won. So we needed to hide ourselves well, and use our abilities way.

One of us also had to go to their building, and steal a diamond. That diamond was what we would place inside a lock that would unlock the door to escape this... This simulator.

I'm sure everyone's confused as to how the Principal made a 'Simulator' but.. She would erase their memories of course.

So, Daniel had to use his psychometric abilities along with his intelligence to locate where exactly the building of the dead students was. If he could touch them then it was fine, but if they tackled him then it was game over. It was a big risk, so there was another catch to it. That's when Yanli comes in.

But anyways. It was quite unfair, assuming that they knew where our building was and we didn't know theirs. How they know ours, we have no clue.

Maryam had to stop them from getting in, using her weather abilities.

If she manages to increase the temperature, then the dead students will either slow down, and be quickly out of breath, or they might rot and wither away. If that does happen, it'll raise a lot of questions.

Yanli needed to use her portal making abilities, to send away the students that do make it in. She also needed to teleport Daniel to every place he assumes is the dead students' building.

We also had another plan.

We wanted to find out what the Principal was planning on the day of another festival that was coming up.

Daniel has a.. Psychic feeling it'll be the last. Last, as in, maybe we might escape, or die..

So, here we were. With our secret second plan.

Javier, he needed to search through the dead students' memories. He needs to figure out WHAT they found out, that got them killed, eaten.

I only need to control them. If they got in then they needed to go to Javier, and Daniel so it'd be easier for them to do their part of the plan.

And also, I'll make sure they don't touch us, so we win easier.


Maryam's pov

I was on top of the building.

I wore a gown that covered my skin, but the gown was specialized for me so I don't get wet due to the rain.

I raise both of my arms towards the sky, and open my hands. I close my eyes concentrating on everything around me.

My eyes usually glow white when I use my abilities, but my vision is not harmed.

I want outside to be really hot. But I'm not gonna be affected as I want it to be hot in certain areas. I spot the students running towards the building, a few hide themselves. They look... Rotten. But I'm sure everyone watching us can't see then rotting.

The sun appears, and it seems like it's really close to us. Some students fall down, that's when I see their skin peeling off. I can't help but feel disgusted.

Some of them get in, but it's okay because Selam knows what to do.


Selams pov

My eyes are glued to the door, but I'm alerted when some students barge inside. A girl smirks, she throws her axe towards me, but I dodge it easily. I let all their energy consume me, and I exhale. My breath is shaky, but I'm concetrated.

I say lowly, my voice sounds like a whisper, it's vibrating and it echoes throughout the entire room, "Go upstairs. Do not touch us."

As if compelled, which they are, they walk upstairs.

I sit myself down in my chair, and wait for the others to enter inside.

FALSE: School of the Unknown.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz