2. Strange rules.

21 4 0

Javier's pov

The woman was walking down the halls as if she had a meeting to attend to. I follow her looking down to avoid the stares I was getting from the other students walking down the hall.

They seemed different? As I was walking I noticed this was a big school, I mean, this school was big and it had other schools attached to it. Or so it seems.

The woman who told me she was the head teacher, snaps her fingers to get my attention, I realise that we're outside, a big building in front of us with a security guard in front of that building.

"Javier, I know this is confusing but you will soon adapt to it. Now, this is a world full of perfect opportunities and perfect students. You are safe here, your beliefs, preferences, and who you are, it will not be judged here."

She beams like a ball of happiness stretching her arms out to demonstrate whatever the fuck she's saying as if I can visibly see it, "In this place, you can study for whatever you want! All of the buildings here contain what you want to study for to be whatever you want in the future, and I mean everything."

She enters the- What I assume is the boys dormitory and continuously speaks as if she didn't notice the look of judgement on my face, "There are rankings that show who is the strongest, fastest, the most intelligent, the prettiest, the best at cooking-"

I wasn't even listening to her. Like this Bruja really believed that I was understanding this? And that I was even grateful for her explaining it? I just wanna go home. Because I'm sure that this shit ain't home.

I'll just pray that God makes her explain everything all over again.

Im sure this is the start of the semester, or more like the last since I've been in a pussy ass coma for six years, and missed those six years! Hell, I don't even remember what happened beyond those six years so It shouldn't bother me as much.

How am I so chill? No idea.

All of a sudden, probably because of her magic, I'm in my room and she's right in front of me gesturing towards a paper and a phone looking thing on my desk "The rules that MUST be followed here are stated in that paper, and that device will help you see your ranking. It will notify you when tournaments and festivals will take place in."

"You can choose what you want to study for and you will start tomorrow! Oh and if you have any hobbies then you can go to any buildings you want and check out what fits to your liking."

If I understand what this insane woman is saying,  Buildings are like colleges built for what you wanna study for, and you can go to other buildings for hobbies without having to study for it.

She also mentioned you can study for two things at the same time if you want to.

Okay, I still don't get it. Hopefully she explains it later.

I close the door that Miss, what was her name again, Miss Miranda purposely forgot to close.

I slowly walk over to my desk and lift the dry ass paper up, if they have money to build this buildings why don't they have money to upgrade the fucking papers? Shit, anyways.. Huh, these rules are fucked up, but good, but fucked up.

It says,

Rules to follow:
Parties forbidden. Disrupts work and alcohol forbidden.
It is not allowed to use your ability outside of school, unless a teacher or the headmaster says so.
Assault in all ways, not allowed.
Bullying not allowed.
Those with abilities are not allowed to use them on anyone, if caught, severely punished.
No lying
No questions, if asked frequently even though you know you shouldn't ask, you will be punished.

What the fuck? What kind of school is this? How will we be punished? And what abilities? AND what's up with the no questions thing?  Well if that woman is the headteacher then I won't be surprised what other weirdos are here.

I drop the paper and let myself fall on the soft bed.

When I think about myself, I know my name, well except my last name, I know my age, what I like and dislike, what I wanna be, my hobbies, who I am.

But that's all. I don't have any memories of anything else.

I don't have memories of how I became this way. I don't have memories on how and why I came here, or how I'm 21.

Just thinking about it makes me wanna cry, but I fight back the tears. I need to be strong.

An inner voice tells me it's okay to be vulnerable.

And with that the tears run down my face, well they run down the side of my face as I'm laying down.

I stop myself from gasping and breathing in air from my nose causing me to cough and let out a few shaky breaths, I feel strange.

I don't like not knowing things, so this must be really hard for me.

I lift myself off the bed and press my elbows against my knees, my hands then wipe my tears away and I stand up clearing my throat as I pretend that didn't just happen, as if I have an audience watching me.

A thought pops up in my head, I don't even know how I look like.

My eyes roam around the room until I spot a mirror and quickly step towards it.

My eyes are puffy but I grin satisfied with the way I look.

My skin is brown as I'm Mexican and my eyes are green. My hair is brown and extremely curly. I seem fairly tall, the man did say I'm 178. And damm... My body looks nice.

I'm lean and tall, fits perfectly well.

But I'm more in love with my long brown eyelashes and bushy eyebrows! And my jawline and- and my face is adorable!

I instantly feel better when I realise that I have my beauty. I'm abruptly interrupted by a loud noise that's probably a bell.

I check the device and see that it's 7pm. Are classes over at this time? I don't know.

An unknown voice is heard in all speakers, "All students head to the Assembly hall."

All students? Miss Miranda mentioned that this school has a thousand students, that might be little but she said they are getting more. The way she said it was weird.

I roll my eyes when I realise that I don't know where the hall is.

I'll just follow everyone else.

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