34. A perfect Speech.

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Javier's PoV

I walked out of my room, and I was about to close my door to go and meet Selam, but I turn around to stare at the shorter guy. Brian. He stares at me with an incredulous expression on his face, and he taps his foot on the floor. As if he were waiting here the entire time, and was impatient.

I roll my eyes, "What."  He quickly questions me, "You have abilities, don't you? What happened to your wound, and why do I feel this way.. When looking at you."

I groan. He saw. And I still emit those.. Weird waves? Maybe it was during my talk with Sir Schneider. Well. I couldn't lie now.

I approach him, and he backs away, his back hitting the wall, I pin him against the wall, my hands placed against the wall as I lowly whisper, "I do have powers, Kojo couldn't keep her face neutral? And I simply manipulated my body into healing itself rapidly, as that shooting never happened."

He interrogated me, impatient and curious, "Not Kojo. I knew a little. And how? How did- what is you ability?"

I smirk, "The tournament announcing our abilities is coming up. You'll find out." I walk away but abruptly stop walking when he yells after me,

"I wanna be like you! How are.. How are you so.. Perfect? So-"

I interrupt him, "Cool? I've been through shit, that's why. It made me this way. And I'm not perfect, I'm so fucked up someone fucking me isn't gonna be enough to prove it. You don't wanna be like me. If you mean me being cool, then it's not possible. You can't be like the original."

I turn around and ramble, "Be yourself. Improve yourself, stop being afraid to trust those who deserve to be trusted. Stop being rude to protect yourself, it's okay to be nice to those who deserve it, it's okay to be cold to those who have hurt you, but don't shut everyone out. Don't hate on people for the things you don't have, instead be grateful that you are yourself. Because trust me when I say, no one does it like you do. No one is Brian, you are, they are just copycats and clones, and you're the original."

I take a Deep breath and notice his teary state, I walk towards him, and place a hand on his shoulder, closing my eyes I hear him mutter, "What are you doing?" I shush him, "Let me see if I can use my power on you.. Stay still don't worry, it's nothing dangerous."

He gasps, and I grip his shoulder. I'm testing if I can make him remember by touching him. Maybe due to my 'strong feelings' at this moment, it's easier.

A perfect speech, and then making him remember is the perfect way to go.

I stare into his eyes, my powers have been easier to use, I don't even have to concentrate for a long time. If I keep practicing on people, then I might be able to simply touch them and what I want.

Maybe I might be powerful enough to emit frequencies that manipulate peoples memories in my desired way.

I open my eyes and find that my palm was glowing red, I also felt some heat. When I removed my hand I observed my palm, and the way the color faded. Brian opens his eyes, and tears run down his face.

His eyes widen when he stares behind me, he looks scared. I turn around and look straight into Selam's eyes.

He's leaning against the Wall, staring at us with a bothered expression clearly evident on his usually stoic face. I clear my throat, and excuse myself from Brian.

I walk over to Selam who only grips my arm and walks way with me, his hand placed on my lower back to CLEARLY show Brian that I'm taken.


Brian's PoV

I was taken when I was fifteen. I moved away from England when I was ten, and my family and I were living in Wisconsin.

There were strange people who moved in our neighborhood. And they were two men. I once caught them both wearing masks with white suits in their house, when the window was open. I wondered what they had wanted.

Because they kept knocking on the doors of others, sometimes harassing any kids they saw. Until they caught me observing them. That was when they decided to kidnap me. On the day of my birthday.

They must have erased my memories, and I was forced to live here.

I didn't understand why Javier was being nice to me despite me being unfair towards him. But that was probably what kindness was.

I also.. Wanted to be kind to others, to have the same impact on others as Javier's speech on me.

And I felt excited to learn more. About others, and myself.


Viraj's PoV

I stayed in the US. My parents were back in India, and they wanted me to visit my Aunts and Uncles. I was 18. And it was the day where my grandmother had died.

When I arrived they were happy to see me. And I was too. But it was too perfect to be real.

My Aunts weren't strange. I liked them. But their kids... Their kids were hell. My cousins to be exact. I wanted an escape. I wanted to go back to my parents or.. I wanted to be away from all of this mess.

It wasn't easy. My pet had died, my grandmother and then I found out that I was being cheated on. Horrible, isn't it? But life isn't always decent, or perfect, it can be shit too, and it's sadly okay.

There was A person who looked like a Man, but also like a Woman. They had long dark hair. And their face was almost always covered. They would always linger under my window, staring up at me with a grin. Even at night.

Sometimes I just challenged them because I bored, and stood there, looking at them as I cussed them out.

Then the mysterious person stopped showing up. And when I woke up. I was surprised by the bloody and beaten face of the so called mysterious person.

They lowly said, as if they hadn't drank anything in a while or as if they were choked, "..Do you remember me?"

I didn't know who they were. So I shook my head. But their smile disappeared. And they only stared at me. When I shifted away, they screamed, and I could only remember being taken away.

And waking up to this strange place.

Why did they ask me if I remembered them? I needed to be honest to Daniel. And the others that remembered.

FALSE: School of the Unknown.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin