9. I have an Ability?

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Javier's pov

Selam looked like he was out of breath, there were tears forming in his eyes, but when he stared at me, he looked less tense.

I attempt to break the eye contact, and lock the door, but he places a fist against the door and pushes it so it opens further more.

I gasp, and step back, when he slams the door shut.

Selam clenches his fists, and his jaw is tight, he stomps towards me and the edge of my bed caused me to fall on it, and crawl away using my elbows and hands.

My head is pressed against the Wall, and Selam's hands are at both sides of my head, making me unable to plan my escape. An Intense feeling of me missing someone, and feeling relieved overwhelms me,

And I can't stop the tears from flowing.

I whimper, and claw at his hands just because I want him to leave me alone, I don't remember knowing him.. I..

Selam grips my hair, and pulls me towards him in a tight embrace, "Javier.. I missed you.."

I shake my head, "Stop.. ..Stop.. Don't.. I don't know who a-are.."

He mumbles against my neck, and he releases me only to press his forehead against mine, "Whatever happens.. Don't eat the pills."

I can't answer.. My heart hurts, and a feeling of hurt overtakes my mind, Selam continues, "It'll make you forget, don't eat the pills."

I close my eyes, and the tears continue to run down my face. I feel something tickling me on my palm that forces me to open my eyes, Selam is writing these words 'Don't eat the pills.'

He lets go of my hand, and places his hands on my cheeks, "I have to go."

He kisses my forehead, and leaves.


I groan as my nose drips, the blood is everywhere, it's too much. I let my body slide itself against the wall only to fall on my bed, and I sob on my pillow.


Selam.. I missed you..

Please.. Come back..

An inner voice begging for him to come back.


I furrow my eyebrows, why am I crying?


In the morning, I felt dizzy and groggy, but I still forced myself to get up.

During lunch, A woman with a Black wolf cut hairstyle sits in front of me. Her hands are below her chin, and she observes me not saying a word.

I raise an eyebrow, but then shrug and focus on eating my lunch. After a few moments, I glance up at her.

She had brown eyes, and pale skin, her features were ethereally sharp, and her lips were small. Her body was slim with no curves, but she still looked good regardless, plus she was clearly 2cm shorter than I was.

She purses her lips and squints her eyes, I just think that's her thinking face, "Mmh.. What's your name?"

I swallow my food down, and answer short, "Javier. Why."

Her eye is twitching, and when I stop chewing I can hear her leg bouncing, "I'm Yanli. You must be the fifth."

I groan annoyed, I don't have time for more confusing stories, "..The fifth?"

She hums in agreement, and smiles bitterly, "The last one with abilities. I wonder what took so long for you to have abilities, are you special in some kind of way?"

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