13. Our Past.

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My keyboard was set to English Uk so that was probably why some things were spelled differently.

Six years ago.

Javier's PoV

I toss the cigarette out of my window, and go downstairs, "Mama?"

I couldn't find my parents so I went back up to my room, and sat down on my bed.

They were probably at work, or they were having a meeting with those weird people.

Those weird people knocked at our door a few days ago, and they spoke about our family and me.

My parents.. they didn't have time for me, and they didn't like me too much. Or maybe it was because I was difficult.

I wouldn't be surprised if they sold me off!

But Selam was the only one who didn't hate me. I mean, he was indifferent and quiet but he listened to me and liked my company, more like I could tell he did.

He was 17 and he recently moved in with his mother.

He had lots of friends, but he somehow only hanged out with me, a 15 year old guy with tons of issues.

And I thought of him as a big brother, but sometimes more.

Which I shouldn't do. I just, like I said, I'm someone who has tons of issues.

I'd ALWAYS go over to his house and stay there for a few days. His mother was kind and she always called me a good boy, she said that she didn't understand what my parents hated about me.

And Selam didn't have a problem with me staying go over at his house, he'd just mind his own business or stare at me deeply, as I complained and cried to him about my life.

I didn't know why.. When he looked at me I'd get butterflies, like.. I'd find things to speak about with him, or do weird shit to get his attention, only to realize that his attention was ALWAYS on me.

The entire neighborhood thought that I was that kid that was attached to Selam, and Selam was a poor guy trying to mind his own business.

Maybe it really was like that.

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing.

I'm tired, I should rest.

If my parents don't arrive soon then I'll just have to fend for myself

as always.

But I felt someone choking me, my eyes flew open and I spotted the same woman who knocked on our doors.

Someone blindfolded me, and that was it.

I wished that Selam would help me

Since he was the only one who even spoke to me.

The one who cared for me, and helped me.

Because of that I liked him.

And I didn't like the thought of us being away from each other.

Tears form in the corners of my eyes, and my eyes roll back.


I heard Selam and I tried to fight the urge to slip into an unconscious state, but I couldn't.

And I passed out.


Selam's PoV

My window was right in front of Javier's and that's how he'd sometimes wait there until I came close to my window so that he could wave at me.

Apparently he has been here since his entire life, and clearly doesn't have any other friends except for me.

I didn't dislike him or anything, I just didn't seek for his attention.

He would always stick with me, and I'd be protecting him like the fool I was. I didn't know why I did it, but I guess I got used to him staying with me.

I liked it I guess.

It was only my mother and I, since my father was killed. How was he killed never occurred in my mind, but I didn't care as soon as I found out that he was mistreating my mother.

And because of that, my mother made sure to teach me right, so that I would be kind and respectful but bold so that I would be able to set some boundaries.

But I was grateful for her.

My life was actually easy, even if it wasn't perfect or decent enough, it was easy. I guess it was because I just accepted the way life was, if there was something I could change then I'd change it for the right reason,

But if I couldn't then I'd leave it.

Javier was like the opposite of who I was, we were like Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian from that gay manga that was on my 'for you page' on all social medias.

No, I don't read things like that, I just happen to know.

But, It didn't bother me, Javier didn't bother me.

So when I ran inside of his room, and saw weird people touching him, I called out for his name, "JAVIER!"

they grabbed me, and injected me with something that was making me dizzy.

And all I could do was try and make sure they don't hurt Javier.

I couldn't risk him being hurt, I only had him and my mother.

And they were important to me.

I pray that I'd get a second chance with Javier.

Please Lord, I'm sorry for everything that I have done, and I'm asking for forgiveness. But please, I'm begging you, don't let them take Javier away from me.

FALSE: School of the Unknown.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon