37. The Impact on others.

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Javier's pov

I gasp and I regain consciousness. I pinch the bridge of my nose, and groan as Selam pulls me away. Resting me on his thighs. The side of my body is faced towards him, and I nod when he asks me, "..Are you okay?!" 

"Not Really, but I will be." I think everyone can tell we're far more intimate than before. And it's all because we had sex. I'm still not sure about.. about.. About what we are. We didn't really have time to talk about it, as I was sleeping!!

But we have time for that. Later, or tomorrow.

I compose myself, and inform them of what I saw, "..I'm just dizzy because I took in a lot of information at once. But.. The Principal, she.. They. Or whatever they are, they met Viraj when he was young, and they seemed relived but sad when they found out that Viraj wasn't who they expected."

Daniel pats Viraj' back, and coos him before saying, "What do you mean?" That's when Viraj speaks up, tired but determined to explain to us, "..I know.. I must be some kind of doppelgänger of the previous child of the Principal, Alfred. That was his name. I only know that I look like him, and that's why The Principal took me."

But I was sure there was more to this story. I wanted to read the Principal's memories. But for that, I'd need to be able to maintain consciousness. It was like the Security for the girls. I was able to read a Memory.

I can do it. 

I'm strong, and I work hard so I can do it!

Everyone seems to be alerted. I can tell that some are surprised, disturbed, and in thoughts. Yanli hums, "So we can use you as bait?"

Everyone seemed to agree on that thought, except for Brian, and Daniel. Selam was just quiet. He knew that Daniel liked Viraj, so he stayed out of it.

Maryam scoffs which isn't something she does, "Yanli." Yanli shrugs, "What? I was just saying!"

Maryam shakes her head. Viraj stands up, he stares at me and snaps, "If you guys wanna think that I have the kid's memories, or I should sacrifice myself for everyone since I happen to look like a kid that died over hundreds of years ago, cause it seems that I'm not important because I'm all of a sudden an Alliance to the Principal for LOOKING like a KID that DIED CENTURIES ago, then sure!"

 He exhales, "But.. Just know that I trusted you guys by telling you this. I could've have chose to keep it to myself. I could have chose to escape by myself, because I'm positive the Principal values me more than you guys! But I didn't.. Because like I said, I trusted you guys."

With that, he leaves and slams the door shut, before apologizing angrily but lowly. 

I grumble under my breath, why did it seem like I was the leader? I roll my eyes, and call out to him, "Viraj get your ass back here." He opens the door, and pouts while sitting himself down.

I cross my arms, and firmly say, "No one is gonna be the bait. I have a plan, or better, I'm making one. And I need all of you."

This wasn't gonna be easy. But, our first priority should be Herr Schneider's daughter. Maybe if we get her back, he'll help us.

If I could cause so many trouble, that they send me to the Headmaster, maybe I might be able to read their memories. That way, I'll know the story behind them.

But what if, We already did all of this, and the Headmaster knew of our plan as they had reality warping abilities, and they simply turned back the time?

There was a possibility. So I have a back up plan.


Brian's pov

I was in the Girls' dorms. Mr.Kim was gone, I wasn't sure where she had gone off to, but I was glad because I really wanted to go see Kojo.

I knock on her door, and play with my sleeves waiting for her to open the door.

Her raspy voice gets stuck in my head, "..Come in." She must have been sleeping.

Well duh.

I grip the door knob, and open the door. I close it gently and take a few deep breaths before turning around.

Her elbows are pressed against the bed as she lifts her upper body up, to look me in the eyes. She now had Fulani braids but with curls. But they were tucked in her Bonet.

I had some knowledge about these hairstyles, because Kojo taught me them, and I watched how she braided other girls' hairs.

I could even proudly say that I never wanted to try them. I only learned them because If Kojo and I get married, and have kids, I'll be able to braid their hair. But now.. I'm sure she won't want to marry me.

I sit on her bed, and calm myself down before apologizing to her, "..I'm sorry. For everything. I don't even know where to start. But I want you to know that I'm sorry for being a creep, for making you feel scared for-"

She snaps angrily but also playfully, "You didn't make me feel scared!"

She gives me a genuine smile, "But I appreciate your apology. What made you realize?"

"Javier." I mumble. As much as I don't wanna admit it, he helped me a lot.

I was such a weirdo.. I was really planning to kill someone, simply for someone to appreciate me. To notice me. To treat me kindly. Of course no one would treat me kindly if I was being rude to them.

It all made sense now. It was because of my rude personality. It wouldn't KILL me to be kind once. But if I wanted to start changing, I knew I would have to start by apologizing to Kojo. And I'm extremely glad she appreciates my apology. But I wasn't done. Kojo needed to know the truth.

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