5. Missing memories?

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Daniel's Pov

Miss Miranda wanted me to help a guy I didn't even know settle in well. There were other students, and yet she wanted THIS one in particular to be helped as much as possible.

But I knew better than to ask questions, so I simply nodded and waited for the speech to end, so I could get it over with me.


We were now making our way towards the Biology building. Apparently, the guy, who was named Javier, wanted to be a Vet, which I found surprisingly adorable.

I figured since I already showed him around, I should at least help him enroll in his desired College, and head over to another Building because of his Talents. Talents that were Parkour? When I looked at him it did fit, it's just that there's barely any students that are interested or are good in Parkour.

So it'd definitely be interesting if there were any tournaments coming up, I'd definitely pay attention.

Watching his troubled expression reminded me of the first time I woke up. It was about a year ago when I woke up, it was hard to believe that I was in some kind of coma due to an attack.

A coma that lasted only a year. A 'Coma' that gave me an ability. I didn't know if it was the same with this Javier dude,

but I did know that everyone woke up here at some point, but not everyone gained abilities.

Probably because it didn't work

It was scary only knowing who you were. I kept waking up everyday, telling or lying to myself that this was my home.


I wasn't lying. This IS my home. I told myself everyday, My name is Daniel, I am a straight Nigerian man who is twenty two years, and is a committed Christian.

This is who I am.

This.. I'm me. I'm real.

I knew that my memories were missing, but when I'm around Javier, and when I'm looking at him, I suddenly remember what's going on here, but I forget when I look away.

And yes, I thought of that while looking at him.

I blink my thoughts away, and look towards the woman that was approaching us.


My memories aren't missing.

FALSE: School of the Unknown.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora