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You slid out of the booth to allow Draco to hug Narcissa. She was just as you remembered; dark hair, though now it was streaked with silver, and a motherly face.

"Y/n, dear," she says as she releases Draco. "It's been so long."

"It has, I-" she shocks you immensely by wrapping you in a rib cracking hug. After a few seconds she releases you slightly, examining you from arms length.

"You are as gorgeous as your mother and father." She smiles, not quite at you but in a more nostalgic way. "I always did say they would have beautiful children."

You blush at thr compliment. "Thanks, Narcissa."

She laughs at your bashfullness as you all slide back into the booth. You and Draco on one side, Narcissa on the other.

You just sit there as mother and son chat away, not knowing what to add. You don't mind though, listening to them talk is actually quite relaxing.

"Y/n? Did you hear what I asked, dear?" Narcissa and Malfoy look at you expectantly.

"Oh, um, yes?" You guess, having no idea what she said.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Which champion are you rooting for in the tournament?"

You hadn't given much thought the the Triwizard Tournament, besides cursing it for bringing Durmstrang and Beauxbatons to Hogwarts. "Well, Diggory and Potter I suppose." You say, naming the Hogwarts champions. You'd rather get crucio'ed then root for Krum or Delacour.

"UGH! POTTAH." Draco practically spits his name.

Narcissa raises her eyebrows as you roll your eyes. "Oh please, Draco, just cause you have the hots for a straight boy-"

Draco simultaneously blushes, sputters through a defense, and kicks you hard underneath the table.

"What?" You whisper. "Am I wrong?"

He snarls and takes a long sip of butterbeer.

The rest of the time you engage in a pleasant  conversation with the Malfoys before Narcissa waves you off on the excuse of good sleep before lessons the next day.

Chatting with this part of your family may have been easy, fun even, but you knew that when you actually  had the family reunion Draco imagined, it would be anything but.

YN x George Weasley Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang