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You got away from the trophy as soon as you landed, hiding behind a headstone in this creepy ass cemetary you were just transported to.

So this was what Moody was doing. You thought. trying not to gag as you felt something flutter over your leg.

Both Harry and Cedric seemed to be in worse shape from the journey. The trophy was a ways away from them and the boys laid in the dirt, muddy and scratched.

An overweight man who had the hygeine of a rat and hair to go along with it was holding a really ugly and weird looking baby over a cauldron.

You grimaced as he placed the writhing, bone-white, thing on a cloth on the floor and walked over to cedric and harry.

"Harry Potter," the man made a squealy sort of laugh. He pulled out a scary looking knife and slashed it across Harry's face.

It caught you off gaurd. Harry winced and triied to clamp a hand over his face but it turned out he was bound.

This was going to turn out well.

The mousy man brought the bloody knife over to the cauldron, put the grotesque child in it then blood from the knife and then he cut off his hand.

"What the fuck?" You whsipered to yourself as the hand splashed into the unseen liquid.  Who just cuts of their own hand? This psycho apparently.

He muttered a spell into the pot and it started to smoke and other weird things happened but you were still caught up on him cutting his hand off.

"Master," he breathed but your breath stopped as you stared at a naked Lord Voldemort.

It wasn't- nope, nope you are not going to go there.

You slammed your eyes shut and leaned against the back of the headstone, praying he wouldn't notice your prescence. And that he'd cover up his thing.


Something was wrong.

The crowd murmurred, wondering where Potter and Diggory went.

As soon as they touched the trophy they had just vanished.

The professors whsipered hurridely to eachother, wondering where Dumbledore had run off to.

Nobody knew what was going on.

Draco was paler than usual and he prayed to Merlin you weren't where he thought you were. Then he just hoped you'd be okay.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now