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You were pretty brilliant. Not only for this plan you had concocted but also in the art of magic so it wasn't very surprising (to yourself) when you where able to sneak into the maze undetected by any of the gaurds.

You were safely hidden beneath the inivisibility cloak and in the boundaries of the maze. The challenge now was getting to the middle.


You don't know how much time had passed but you eventually made it to the center of the maze.

The trophy was there. It was larger than you expected. You sat down near it, careful not to touch it, and began waiting for Hogwarts Champion.


Cedric Diggory was really looking forward to  the final challenge. The whole experience had been really fun and exciting so far. He hoped he'd win, his dad was coming to watch afterall.

Students high fived him in the hallway and wished him good luck. Cedric smiled. After he won this, he'd be so cool. Not that he wasn't already.

He'd be cooler.

Yeah. He'd be cooler.


You were dozing off when you heard the bushes rustle.

Shooting up and making sure the cloak covered your whole body, you looked towards the noise.

Moody wobbled on over to the trophy, wand out, his creepy 'eye' nowhere to be seen.

He pointed his wand toward the prize, whispered something, and the whole thing shimmered blue before dying back down to its regular luster.

Mad-Eye smiled to himself and hobbled away, back into the dark maze.

You went over all the defensive spells you knew in your head. You didn't know where the trophy would take you and Harry but you could bet it probably wouldn't be disneyland.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now