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Cedric Diggory had it good.

He was one of Hogwarts champions (most called him the "real" one), his father loved him more than anything, he had a face like a Greek god, and the most wonderful girlfriend in the world.

Cedric didn't understand why Hufflepuff got a bad reputation. Could it be so bad if he was in it?

He also didn't understand why everyone was hating on Harry Potter. Poor, young Harry.

Cedric just knew it was killing harry that he wasn't the one people were doting on. Though diggory loved that they were doting on him instead.

He took pity on the kid, especially when he realized he was crushing hard for Cho, but then they started to talk.

Harry wasn't bad.

Diggory hoped that when Harry lost he wouldn't take it too hard.

Cedric Diggory smiled as he walked down the halls with his head held high, thinking about his plans after school. He had dreams and he was going to get there.


Pansy kissed Draco, wrapping her hands in his hair as he kissed back like a robot, an automated response that he wasn't really thinking, or caring, about.

In fact, he was almost completely unaware she was on him. And usually he was. His mind was preoccupied.

He wanted to do what you were doing, standing up to his family, but how?

He knew he was being a coward. He hated cowards. He loved you. If you both got caught you'd both be screwed.

He'll have to take one for the team and not help kill the dark lord. To protect you.

Draco wrapped his arm around pansy to pull her closer and kissed her more like a human.

The matter was forgotten and decided after he tangled himself with Pansy, choking out all other feelings. Though he didn't particularly feel any for her.

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