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George felt like shit.

It wasn't she could just go home to spend Easter alone either.

That's why Katie sobbed as she ran around the yard looking for dyed eggs. Crying because her boyfriend broke up with her in the middle of the night by admitting he liked someone else way more.

Ginny whined the whole morning that George should've wait for the end of the holidays and after the third hiccup into a  bowl of salt watery porridge he deeply regretted his timing. He was still glad he did it however.

As soon as you got back to school he would come clean to you and admit his feelings.


You knew the plan. It was surprisingly easy to get your family to trust you again and they gave information willingly and freely.

It made you a bit suspicious but it wasn't like you were going to go around and tell everybody. You were going to be discreet. And that word was rarely ever in your vocabulary.

As the train pulled into school you ran to your dorm. you had to take the steps in order and complete them as fast as possible. First Step: Hermione.

It had taken a few revisions for her to get to the top of the list but you decided she was your best bookish and innocent bet.

You really wanted to talk to George first but thought that would be too distracting and you had to focus on the task at hand. Not the beautiful man you so desperately wanted.

Hermione arrived in the dorm and you approached her. She hadn't been nearly as hostile to you as she had before the whole love potion incident but you didn't believe she really was on your side.

Time to find out.

"Hermione," you said. She looked at you with a curious expression on her face.

"Yes?" She said hesitstantly.

You took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I know that by withholding information about myself I lost your trust. You have done some completely mental stuff but so have I! So I guess im saying we are even and asking if we can leave this behind us and try to be friends?"

She looked at you for a few long seconds before saying "yeah, totally! I apologize for being stubborn sometimes but that's the only reason why I'm top of the class."

She smiled wide and hugged you before leaving the room with a bound her step. Ok, now you were scared.

Shaking away the weird reaction from Hermione you focused on step 2, George. This part was arguably your most favorite. You just had to find him.

George found you in the courtyard. It was fairly empty and the afternoon sun cast golden light across everything.

You were facing away from him and he took a deep breath to steady himself and his shaky hands. He was going to do this and he wasn't going to chicken out.

Fred had told him to "go get em tiger" before he left while Ronald told him you were out of his league. He ignored Ron. Negative self talk wasn't going to get him anywhere even if it was a little bit true.


He snapped out of his mind to see you running up to him. This caught him really of gaurd.

"Where's Katie?" You asked, looking at him through long lashes and doe eyes.

Shit. He couldn't think, his heart raced and he felt his face blush. "I- Katie-we broke up." He stammered.

He swore he saw a smile flicker on your face and his stomach started to ache.

"That sucks." You looked away at the sky and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Not really." He breathed.

"What?" Before you could turn to look at him he turned your face towards his by guiding your jaw with his hand and pulling you against him with the other.

George kissed you. It you was like the first time he did, sweet, pefect and desperately needed.

You bit at his bottom lip and he slipped his tongue inside your mouth and wrapped you closer, tangling a hand in your hair as you put your hand up his shirt, slowly tracing down.

Neither of you cared that you were making out in a very public place. They can leave. You hadn't expected him to kiss you but hey, it was a welcome turn of events.

In a agonizing second George pulled his lips away from yours. "Sorry."

"What? Why?" You asked.

A flushed George blushed even more. "For not asking."

You smiled and butterflies erupted in your stomach. "If I hadn't wanted to kiss you , you wouldn't be standing here right now."

He smiled and you pulled him back down to your mouth by the collar of his shirt.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now