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You saw it first, then Krum, who clamped his hand over Hermione's innocent eyes before she had to. Fleur grimaced but quickly set her face to stone.

The love of your life was getting a blow job from some random Slytherin. "Hi Cormac!" You said cheerfully. "How's it going."

Everybody looked at you like you were crazy, high, stupid, or all three. The girl that had been sucking on his dick looked at you. "What?"

"I don't believe we've met." You held out your hand. "I'm Y/n."

She took your hand hesitantly, as everyone looked on, scared that you were about to crack any second.

"Leave." McClaggen snapped. "We're busy."

You shrugged. If your love said he was busy and didn't want to hang out with you, you just had to respect that decision.

"No," Hermione said, her eyes still covered. "Y/n, he's cheating on you. You can't just leave."

"He wants me to." You said, confused.

"He's cheating on you," Fleur enunciated each word.

You thought for a second. "So?"

Krum hit himself in the forehead and grunted. It was a "You are stupid" sort of grunt.

"You really don't care?" This time it was the girl. She looked at you like you were an alien. She looked like she regretted every decision she had ever made to get to this point.

"Not really. If you make him happy then I'm happy." You didn't understand what the big deal was. And who were these people to question your judgment on your relationship?

A thumping came from in the closet but you chalked it up to your imagination.

"Just leave you little bitch." McClaggen rolled his eyes. "I'll do you later."

The girl scoffed and stood up, crossing her arms. "That's how you talk to your girlfriend!"

McClaggen rolled his eyes. "Don't throw such a hissy fit. She's barely my girlfriend."

"What do you mean?" Krum asked, eyebrows raising.

McClaggen laughed. "She never wanted to date me. I just slipped her a love potion. Honestly, I never would've done it if I had known she would be so clingy."

"You asshole!"

The words didn't come from someone in the room. They all stood in confused silence until the closet door fell open and Fred Weasley and Draco Malfoy tumbled out of it.

Without missing a beat, Draco got up, dusted himself off and punched the pantless McClaggen squarely in the nose.

Blood poured from it as he swore. "You fucking bastard. What was that for!"

"'What was that for?'" Draco started towards the dickhead again but Fred held him back. "You drugged her, you dimwitted cunty spoon!"

"So?" McClaggen held his nose in a bloody hand.

Draco's eyes widened in anger but Fred held him back tight.

Fleur came over to.you and put both hands on your shoulders. "Hey, Y/n." She spoke like a mouse and it was strange. "How are you feeling."

You smiled. "Great! Thanks for asking. I had an amazing cookie for breakfast with some pancakes and chai-"

"Okay, okay, okay," Fred interrupted you. "There is definitely something wrong with her."

"How do you reverse it?" Hermione asked.

McClaggen shook his head. "Hell if I know."

Draco forced his way out of Fred's grip but before he could do anything, more people entered the room.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now