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You crawled away from Harry and Cedric before the crowds cheers even died down. Before they realized something horrible had happened.

Harry clung to Ced's body, shaking with sobs.

You pull off the cloak and stuff it into your robes. "George." You ran up to him and relief floods his face.

He wraps his arms around you as you cry quietly into his chest. "Love, what did you see?" He whispered, and then you knew that he knew where you had been.

"I should've listened to you when you said not to take matters into my own hands." You swallowed hard and he held you tighter.

George led you back to the dorms, you were too dazed to do it on your own. It wasn't your fault he was dead and that he was back. You didn't aid them in anyway but what did you do to stop it?


George left you in your dorm room, as McGonagall was making rounds to each, and you laid down on your bed, graveyard dirt and dust still on your clothes.

All night you tried to sleep but Cedric's lifeless body haunted you.


At breakfast Dumbledore gave a speech, honoring Cedric. He named his killer, Voldemort.

The crowd whispered and murmured but not as loud as when Rita Skeeter (she had to introduce herself as you had never seen her around) pushed her way onto the dais with a question.

"Dumbledore! Could the resurgence of the Dark Lord be due to one of his most devoted followers having a spy implanted here?"

The Slytherins paled, most of them anyway.

The teachers murmured, assuming she was talking about Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be Moody.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Rita," Dumbledore said calmly.

She smiled, showing her teeth like a shark. She twirled her quill pen in her hand and scanned the sea of students. As her eyes landed on you her grin widened and hunger coated her eyes.

You tensed and George put his hand on your thigh. You both knew what was coming.

"Well, dear Dumble. I am referring to Y/n Johnson!" She pointed at you and the rest of the hall did as well. "Or should I say..." She paused, breathing in the silent, bated breathing. "Y/n Black. Daughter of Regulus Black!"

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now