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You entered the Great Ha for breakfast the following day, surprised to not hear anything about Fleur and Krum's rumour being true.

Instead, it had morphed to something you liked even more. Apparently, McClaggen had started the rumour because he was upset Fleur rejected him.

You were a little disapointed Fleur and Krum were no longer suffering but it was nothing compared to the happiness you felt at the relief on Hermione's face, McClaggen's protests, and the fact that Fleur will not have to act on her threat.

Draco saw you from the Slytherin table. You nodded once in thanks and he winked and said "no problem."

Although it had been painful asking him for help, and though you'd never admit it to his face, Draco could actually be useful. Sometimes.

You were sitting beside Hermione who kept on rereading a note in her hand, smiling broadly. Beside her was Harry, staring adoringly at Cho a table away.

It's like the poor boy's been fed a love potion. You thought to yourself, shaking your head.

Ron isn't anywhere to be seen but his brotherd are. The twins come down the aisle and sit next to you, George planting a kiss on your head.

You tried not to act too surprised, though you were. "Hey, George." You smiled at hi. And he looked into your eyes. The eye contact was so fierce that it was starting to make you uncomfortable as he held it longer and longer. You were about to break it but George beat you to it, helping himself to food.

That was weird.

"Y/n?" Hermione tugged on your sleeve.

"Yes?" You looked at her, snapping out of your thoughts.

"I'm meeting Viktor by the lake. Are you fine with that?"

"Of course!" You didn't know if she was asking permission to be with Krum or to leave you alone with the boys but wither was fine with you.

She hurried off and you turned to listen to the twins but Gred was gone and it was just you and George.

"Are you done eating?" He asked, hands fiddling in his lap.

You nodded. "Yeo, you?" When did it get so awkward.

He nodded and leaned down to your ear. "Would it be alright if we go somewhere quieter? I want to talk to you."

"Yeag, sure." You smiled as you stood up but your mind was going, shit, shit, shit!


George led you to an empty classroom. You sat on a desk, hoping your anxiety didn't show on your face, as he bolted the door behind him.

"So," you said ad he turned around. "What do you want to talk about?"

George rubbed the back of his neck and walked to you. You looked up at him and he cuppeed your cheek with his hand. "You-" he swallowed hard, like he didn't know exactly what to say. "-like me, right?"

That was not the question you were expecting. "Yes, George, I do. What about it?"

He leaned down and kissed you softly.

"George?" He was beginning to scare you. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

George shook his head but his arms fell to his sides and he took a step back. "I- are we-" He took a deep breath. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

GIRLFRIEND! "Oh, uh-" You searched for something to say.

Yes yes ues...That's what you desperately wanted to say.

George saw your hesitation. "Alright, I get it." He turned away, face red. "I don't know what I was thinking."

Fuck. "George, please, don't go!" You get off the desk and grab his arm before he can leave the room.

"Forget it Y/n. Sorry for being clingy. We can stick with the casual thing."

"George." But he shook off your hand and disappeared through the door.


"I can't believe I agreed to this," you grumbled, pulling your cloak closer as you and Draco snuck out to hogsmeade.

"Don't worry," Draco said, "It's just my mom. Nobody else is going to risk coming this close to Hogwarts."

"Thank Merlin." You had been dreading seeing your family again, especially since the way George had left earlier that day. But if it was just Narcissa it wouldn't be horrible.

Draco smiled. "Don't be too thankful. You're still spending Easter with us."

You get to the Three Broomsticks and slide into a booth next to Draco. If people thought it was strange you were out on a weekday they didn't show it.

Draco ordered 3 butterbeers. By the time they arrived the door opened and in Walked Narciss Malfoy.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now