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You giggled. You fucking giggled. Now, Viktor would never, ever, admit it, but he was worried.

He knew, weird, right? But he was. No matter how much shit he gave you and all the threats he threw your way he did care.

In fact, that's why he did threaten you. He thought of you fondly if no longer romantically. He just didn't know how to show it.

So he cornered you in the halls before McClaggen could get his slimy hands on you in order to learn your ploy.

"Hiiiiii, Krummy wummy," you said in a sing song tone. "What's up?"

Viktor scrunched his eyebrows. What the fuck? "Nothing besides the sky."

You laug- giggled. "You're funny." You looked up, a dreamy look in your eyes, "have you ever been in love?"

"Uh, no?" He didn't know what trick you were playing and that word, 'love', made him tingle and not in the good way.


They definitely made a strange duo but they knew something was up and, in order to protect the ones they love, they knew they needed to help.

Draco Malfoy and Fred Weasley. They never thought this would even happen. 'This' being meeting in secret in a random dungeon corridor.

"You asked me here, Malfoy." Fred said, waiting for the blonde boy to talk first. When he first got the note his thought was that George was right. Malfoy and you were fucking. Now he wasn't so sure.

Draco rolled his eyes and flicked imaginary lint off his shoulder. "Something is wrong with Y/n."

Fred arched an eyebrow. "You're just now noticing this?"

"Oh, please, Weasley. There is no need to be like that." Draco paused and smiled slowly, meeting Fred's eyes, "you need my help and I need yours."

Fred scoffed. "And why would I need your help."

"To get Georgie his girl back."


The tingles just got worse and worse. Viktor regretted even talking to you in the first place. First you had went on about how considerate McClaggen was for talking to you and eventually about how hot he looked with his clothes off.

Viktor hadn't once thought about himself as anything but straight and even he knew that that boy wasn't packing.

Maybe she likes them small. He thought and shrugged. That does make sense. She never really liked me.

As soon as he could escape your mushy gushy love shit he found Hermione. Once  he saw her, the good tingly feeling returned.


Fleur wasn't a complete bitch. She knew she could act like one sometimes, especially towards you, but she didn't want to.

It was easier being mean. Especially when it didn't matter since everyone adored you anyways.

You never liked Fleur. She just chalked it up to jealousy. But if Fleur was honest with herself, she was jealous of you.

She was jealous how you didn't give a fuck about anyone or if anyone gave a care about you. Even though they did.

The guys at both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons had been obsessed with you, despite Fleur's veela charm. Maybe that's why she decided to dig deeper into your history. To ruin you.

Fleur, believe it or not, felt bad about doing that. When she was on her way to help this utterly lost girl and tell her how McClaggen is the worst boyfriend, she ran into George Weasley.


George wasn't alone. It was stupid. He was being stupid. He didn't care. Katie wanted him and you didn't. So Katie got him...and you didn't.

"George?" Katie asked.

"Yep?" George asked.

"I'm ready."

Here goes nothing.


What the fuck did I just do.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now