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You and Hermione tried to avoid eachother as much as possible the next couple days. It's harder than you expected, especially because you share a dorm.

However, you weren't going to let Hermione ruin your date with George tonight. He had rescheduled the day after the rudely interupted evening and you happily accepted.

"You wanted to talk, Black?"

Now you were in an empty classroom with Draco. You needed to tell him about Hermione.

When you did, he laughed, which was hardly a surprise. "Well, well, well," he said, "looks like her nosiness has finally come in handy."

You punched him in the shoulder. "It's not funny. She knows now. I can't be careless anymore."

Draco wiped his eyes. "Yeah, yeah I know you feel that way."

"What's that supposed to mean!" You crossed your arms.

Draco puts his hands up in self defense. "Woah, there. All I meant was that isn't it more incriminating to pretend?"

You scoffed. "You didn't hear her when she confronted me. She would've hated me even if I did tell her."

Draco shrugged. "It's your call, Y/n. Just think about it. Okay?"

"Okay." You grumbled, rolling your eyes.


Hermione was driving Harry and Ron absolutely crazy. All day she paced, mumbled to herself, and shot dirty glances at you.

"Bloody hell, Mione," Ron said, fed up with her. "Calm down, you're pacing like a fuckin' werewolf."

"Do werewolves pace?" Harry asked, rubbing at his forehead.

Ron shrugged as Hermione said, "UGH! Leave me alone, Ronald." She stormed off, leaving the two confused boys in the library.


George could barely eat any breakfast, he was so excited for his date with you later that day.

When he had asked you out he wanted to know what Hermione had interrupted for but decided that was too...coupley. if he was going to try casual he was going to go all in.

He had the perfect night planned and couldn't stop thinking about how you look when you are-

"Oh, sorry mate." He was so wrapped up in his thought he bumped into a student in the hallway. "Nevermind." He amended when he saw it was McClaggen.

Oddly, McClaggen smiled, in a very creepy way (which wasn't so odd), and said, "It's alright, mate."

George rolled his eyes and hurried on but behind him McClaggen called out. "Have fun while it lasts, Weasley! She'll be back with me a lot sooner than you think."


Viktor knew he shouldn't have told Hermione the truth about you. He regretted it as soon as he did.  He had made her promise not to confront you but he could tell she did anyway.

He knew that you would know somebody snitched and he desperately hoped you thought it was Fleur.

Hermione kissed him harder in a hallway off the dungeons and he opened his eyes just briefly enough to see a smiling McClaggen walk past.


It was almost time for your date with George and you were more nervous than you cared to admit. You finished getting ready and were about to head over to his dorm when you remembered the chocolate he left you.

There was only one left and you ate it as the door closed behind you. As the last of it fell into your stomach you compeltley forgot where you were supposed to be going.  Instead, a single name filled your head.

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now