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You were in the courtyard with Hermione, studying up on DADA, even though you had just only had your first class that morning.

There was only a slight breeze in the air and brightly colored leaves were floating down of the branches.

"Thr new professor is certainly interesting." You say. "Were the others like him?"

Hermione shook her head. "Not really, I mean our first one ended up having he who must not be named attached to his head. And my Second one was the cute but boneheaded Lockhart, from the magazines."

You stared at Hermione, shocked.

"Oh, but I really wish you were here for Professor Lupin. He really was the best."

You sigh, "Yeah, I wish I have went here since year one. I like it way more than Beauxbatons."

"How come?"

"Believe it or not the French aren't very kind to people like me."

"What do you mean people like you?"

"Uh, well. Just forget about it."


"Oh, sorry!" You exclaimed, you had run into somebody, their books were dropped all over the floor.

"It's alright. No harm done."

You picked up their books and straightened up to hand the books back when you saw who was in front of you.

A tall, red haired boy with a strong body and a handsome face was smiling at you. He was wearing Gryffindor robes.

"Here you go." You smile back and hand him the books.

"Say, I haven't seen you around here before." The boy said.

"Oh, I'm new just transferred from Beuaxbatons. My name is Y/N, Y/N Johnson." The lie just kept getting easier.

The boy grinned. "I'm George Weasley."


"The pleasure is mine."


It was dinner time, double potions with the Slutherins had been postponed due to the arrival of the other schools.

You were still up in your dorm room, dreading seeing everybody again. You also didn't want to walk down to breakfast and have nobody to talk to.

You didn't have any friends in your year since you were going to classes with the 4th years.

You've met the jackass, Cormack McClaggen, but that was about it. You had to admit the boy wasn't bad looking but his arrogance was a big turn off. You weren't really into blondes either.

About 5 minutes later, you sucked it up and headed down to the great hall. As you figured there was no space by Hermione. You began to look around, not wanting to sit by a random person.

"Hey Y/N." The boy that you ran into earlier, George Weasley, came up to you. "Want to sit by me and my brother for dinner."

You were kind of shocked. He actually wanted to eat with you. There was no way.
"Sure." You replied.

He smiled. "Great."

You followed him to to the long table.

"Y/N, this is my brother, Fred."

His brother, Fred, looked identical to him. Well mostly. You could still tell them apart.

The boys grinned at eachother. "We're twins incase you were wondering." They said in unison.

You smile at them. "Oh, really? I didn't realize."


Dumbledore walked up to the podium and raised his hands. Instantly the crowd of murmuring students fell quiet.

"Good evening students. Soon, the schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be entering. Please show them kindness and respect. Know that your actions will reflect your school. Now, may I introduce to you, the girls of Beauxbatons!"

You shrank down in your sink, hiding behind George's strong body.

"Hey there Y/N, something wrong." He looked down at you.

"What? Oh uh, no I just, I used to go to Beauxbatons. They, they didn't care for me much."

"I see why."

"Excuse me?"

He smiled at you, "Chill, I'm just joking."

You grinned and looked away. He just chuckled.

Suddenly the doors to the Great Hall were thrown open, and threw them stepped the beautiful French girls of Beuaxbatons.

You could see Fleur, with her perfect hair and Veela charm. You couldn't stand her but the feeling was mutual.

As she, and the others, were dancing, Fleur saw you and gave one of her nasty fake smiles.

In response you stuck up your middle finger at her. She may be graceful but you spoke your mind.

After all the Frenchies were done they took a seat at the various house tables. The boys, and some of the girls, drooling over them, especially Fleur.

The doors to the great hall opened again but this time the Bulgarians stepped through. Pounding, what you thought looked like giant walking sticks, against the stone floor.

Durmstrang had arrived, you could barely get yourself to look at him. Viktor Krum.


Hermione looked  back at you sitting by the Weasley twins. Right as you flipped Fleur off. Of course they know eachother. They went to school together but is their some bad blood? She thought.


"Welcome, welcome Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, to our little school. Now everyone you may dig in."

YN x George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now