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It's been 1 year and 6 months since Kim Dan and Joo Jaekyung lived together and work together as well.

Jaekyung still have Dan to help him with his physical therapy by day and a form of release for his "jinx" at night.

Kim Dan seemed to have accepted that this is his life now and has lived it on day by day like it is ordinary, meanwhile his patient and sex buddy, who he was living with for the past year and a half, begins to see him in a different light now and is also beginning to feel things he shouldn't feel.

But just when Dan thought that everything will stay as it seems, the whole world decided to crumble and fall right before his eyes when he received a call that his grandmother has passed away. He saw it coming, he knew eventually, despite all his efforts to work hard and give her the best treatments, she will still leave her. But the blow was still so hard that  he lost all reasons and will to live anymore.

He fell apart more than how he expect to be, and Jaekyung had been there for him every single day that he mourns and felt as if life is slowly becoming more and more meaningless, now that the only person who truly loved him is now gone.

He wants to follow her as well, but he promised her that he will live his life the best he could, at least for her. He also just discovered that... slowly, he was developing to feel something for his boss who treats him like he was a rag to use whenever its necessary then put away for future use.

And he can't afford that, he was trying his hardest to not fall, but the more he tried the more he can't help it.

There's no use anymore, the only person he was walking in hell for is now gone, and the person who gives him hell will never ever see him as a person, much less reciprocate his feelings.

He can't do this anymore, he needs to do something. So he spared some time to himself to think how he can solve it, and he only gave himself 7 days to figure everything out.

7 days to solve this, no more and no less. He needs to solve this.

Whatever it takes.

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