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Lucy thought back on how stupid she was just a few minutes ago. She couldn't even ask the man for a change of clothing, or at least a towel.

She'd been sitting in her car, her wet jeans gripping onto her every inch of skin.

She parked the car into the lot, grabbed her belongings and whatever they had not used at the barbecue, placing the bags in one hand and beginning her journey up to her floor.

Once inside, she set down the grocery bags on the island, and walked over to the Jackson's room, closing his door and then entering her own bedroom.

She grabbed a simple, lavender, cotton robe, throwing it over her shoulder and walking into the her bathroom. She entered the steamy space, closing the glass door. Her fingers ran through her hair, rubbing shampoo onto her roots.

She had been slightly tipsy from the drink, not nearly enough to where she couldn't speak, though.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a small bang came from the kitchen. Lucy was hesitant to come out at first, she was so warm in that water, her skin felt so clear and smooth. Though her better judgement took over, and she grabbed her robe from the rack, making sure to leave the water on. She slowly stepped into her bedroom, peering her head from her now-open bedroom door. Why are my drawers open?

A bother ruckus came from the kitchen, slightly startling Lucy as she peered again. There was a figure in the dark room, their back was clearly turned. Lucy ran to her bed, reaching under it to grab her sage. She grabbed her phone from the robe's pocket, searching for Jackson's contact.

To: Jackson West
From: Lucy Chen

L: "Hey, you in the kitchen?"

J: "No, I told you I was staying at Sterling's. Maybe I forgot.."

L: "There's someone in the house, I'm calling Tim."

J: "Be there in 20."

The sound of humming filled the room, it echoing from the kitchen.

To: Tim Bradford
From: Lucy Chen

L: "Someone's in my kitchen, please come."


Tim read the message, clutching the phone in his hand as he raced to his car, hurriedly closing the door and starting the vehicle. He sped through the city's lit streets, knuckles white on the steering wheel as every negative thought came to his mind.

Someone could be hurting her, they could be hurting Lucy. She could be dead.

His mind went wandering as he careless parked and ran into the apartment complex, dashing up the stairs and banging at the front door. He threw his shoulder, prying it open.

He had been there in less than ten minutes, though it wasn't quick enough. Lucy was gone.

The sound of sirens began to whale, and Tim's mind rushed as he dialed Grey's number. He ran his fingers through his short hair, pacing back and forth between the halls of the apartment.

Grey was at his side a few minutes later, as was Jackson.

"She texted me, said someone was in her kitchen." Tim exhaled, squeezing his hands into fists, both at his sides.

Jackson nodded his head, showing Grey and Bradford the conversation of his screen.

"Do you have any idea, any idea as to who could have done this?" Grey let out a hand, crossing arms.

"Anderson." Tim growled, pinching at the bridge of his nose as she spread his legs and crossed his arms.

"Lucy told me about that, when I was leaving your place." Jackson frowned, shoving his hands into his pockets. Tim grabbed at West's shoulder, Jackson placing one hand over Tim's.

"What are you two talking about?" Wade furrowed his eyebrows, rubbing his head at his head.

West and Bradford looked over to each other once, sighing as they both tried to explain the situation.

"This guy, Max Anderson, he went to the academy with Chen, Nolan, and Jackson. He's been talking about forcing himself on with Chen." Tim gestured his hand.

"He wants to rape her, sir. She told me herself. Max's friend, Charles, told us everything. Max had been off since the day we met him," Jackson interrupted.

Grey's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, and suddenly he was speaking into his radio, with multiple voices filling the room as forensic scientists walked in.

"And you two didn't think it was smart to tell me? What the hell!" Wade exclaimed, earning a few curious looks.

The two walked away, leaving Grey to speak with a few of the higher seniority.

"Look, maybe it wasn't him."

The two gave a look to each other, they knew that wasn't true.

Max Anderson took Lucy, she could be hurting, or she could be being raped as they are speaking.


Lucy grunted and shifted in the trunk of the car, trying desperately to find her gun.

It's not here.

Lucy was defenseless, against Max. It hadn't helped that she went on that date with him, it probably just brought him to want her more.

This can't be happening, not again. Am I going to be put in a barrel? Or worse, a coffin?

She tried to punch out the lights at the trunk, tried to open it, nothing helped. She was too weak, her head was spinning and alcohol was slowly winning as her vision went blurry, then dark.

The car suddenly went to a stop, and Lucy prayed that she would find a bullet through Max's head. Gross, I know, but fair.

Lucy had a blindfold on, and she had put it back down when she heard footsteps approach her. The zip ties around her wrists were cutting, and she could feel every time the plastic ran through her wounded flesh.

Max opened the trunk to his car, grabbing Lucy by the arm. She stumbled on her feet for a moment, and the robe she was wearing suddenly felt like a thin piece of paper on her, the night's cool air rushing at her face and legs.

She raised her eyebrows in attempt to see where they were; though the place was too familiar.

They'd been only a few buildings away from Lucy's apartment. He drove in circles. Smart.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight," Max smirked, humming as he dragged her up the wooden stairs and into some crappy room.

"How did you even find me?" Lucy mumbled, her feet slightly tripping as he pulled her into his arms.

"I don't think you should be worrying about that right now," Max grinned from ear to ear, his eyes large.

Lucy screeched, suddenly feeling a cold hand on her neck. He brought his palm to her shoulders, caressing them under the robe.

She was suddenly pushed back, now slouched on a cheap sofa.

Her blindfold was still on, and she was grateful, as it meant she wouldn't have to see what horrible things he was planning on doing to her, what he looked liked as he touched her.

Max's hands were cracked, cold, and tender against Lucy's face as she turned her head to remove his touch from her.

This seemed to rile Anderson, as he was now reaching for something on the coffee table. A small remote?

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