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After a few songs, Lucy dancing around Tim and him just standing with his arms crossed, she continued laughing, tugging at his hand.

He eventually gave in, taking Lucy's hands when a slow song began.

"You're gonna be doing papers all of next shift if you step on my foot," Tim grinned, letting her wrap her arms around his stomach. The two just swayed their bodies, and once the song ended, they parted again.

"Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom," Lucy poked at his shoulder, and by the time he's turned she had already been gone. A layer of relief was suddenly ridden on his shoulders, and he made his way back to the booth. Nolan had already been sitting down, smiling at his phone.

"You talked to Lucy yet?" Nolan looked up, closing his phone.

"About what? She just went to the bathroom." Tim sat across from Nolan, reaching for the remaining fries left in the red, plastic bowls.

"Nothing, sorry," Nolan politely smiled, finishing the last of his bottle as he arose from his seat, looking cautiously at Bradford. Tim squinted his eyes, eyeing John.

"Speak, Boot." Tim sighed, curiosity written all over his face.

"Lucy said she wanted to ask you about Anderson, Max. She told us you sounded pissed when she tried to talk to you, so she just figured she would ask you another day. I figured she had done it by now," Nolan shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. Tim nodded, giving the "you're free" look to Nolan.

Anderson... Anderson..

The name sounded familiar, he couldn't remember why. He looked around the room, searching for the resembling name, and saw Lucy, walking back.

Lucy sat across from him, two new bowls of wings in her hands. She quickly got up though, forgetting she had ordered two floats. Well, they looked like floats, only because of the large cups.

"Thanks!" She smiled to the bartender, and he only gave a small nod.

She walked back to the table, two large cups in hand. She set one beside Tim's arm, the other at her seat.

"Anderson, the guy who texted you?" Tim asked, eyebrows raised and furrowed, his eyes small.

Lucy immediately flung her head, searching the room for Max. She scanned the pub table, then the dance floor, her eyes flew to the other booths, then to the small tables.

"Hm?" Lucy tried, eyes full of innocence.

"You wanted me to tell you what I know about him, yeah?" Tim nodded slowly.

Lucy nodded, holding her cup close to her lips.

"He's decent, sort of like Nolan," Tim smirked, eyes on the window beside him. He ran his fingers through his hair, clasping his hands together. Lucy straightened her back, reaching for her pocket. She grabbed her phone, it vibrating against her ass for the seventh time that night.

"What's up with you and him?"


"That him?" Bradford exhaled, reaching for his beer. He looked around the bar once more, and Lucy just rolled her eyes as she read the phone's screen.

We should do that again, you down?

How about 7 tomorrow?

Multiple messages containing questions about going on another dinner date filled her inbox, only causing her stress rate to increase. Timothy snatched her phone again, scrolling through his absurd text messages. The , he read one that Lucy had replied to.

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