My Savior

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The entire crew had been there by now, including Charles and Anderson.

Anderson, every so often, would try starting a conversation, but would be interrupted when Leo joined in.

"Man, what are you doing? I thought we were set on the plan. I take her to the car, come on." Anderson mumbled, crossing his arms as he stood beside Charles with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Nah, I told you that I didn't want this from the beginning. This is all you." Leo scoffed, walking away.

Anderson rolled his eyes, walking into the house to use the bathroom.

All of the cops attending this barbecue had the next two days off, according to Grey.

Talia, Nolan, Grace, and Angela were huddled near the pool, all with a burger in their hands.

Jackson, Sterling, Victoria, Leo, Tim, and Lucy were all huddled near the grill, some sat on the sofa, others leaning against the tall fence.

"Look, man, I'm telling you. Mid-Wiltshire's great, I'm sure you'd make it there in no time, especially  now that you're a P2." Jackson smiled, bunching up closer to Sterling as they sat together.

On the other side of the backyard, Talia had been chugging. on her beer as Angela spoke up.

"So, he couldn't make it tonight?" Angel crossed her arms, her eyes narrow.

"Nope, he's working late." Talia looked away, eyes on the reflection of the pool.

"Girl, you need to end it. Otherwise I'm gonna throw you in this pool." Angela joked, cocking her head back as Nolan and Grace laughed.

"Not if I do it first!" Talia yelled, throwing the beer bottle out of Angela's hand and lunging her. The two ended up in the pool, struggling to stop laughing as the arose from the water. Don't worry, somehow, their phones magically weren't in their pockets.

"Oooh!" The crowed noised, the music suddenly going low as everyone laughed. Nolan threw his phone to the grass, jumping in after them. Most did the same, leaving Grace, Vic, Tim, and Lucy left. The four watched, disappointment clearly written on their faces.

Anderson joined them, standing beside Grace. He crossed his arms, examining the large pool.

"Oh, come on guys! Don't be party poopers!" Sterling shouted, paddling to West.

Grace and Lucy caved in, shrugging as they stepped around to the stairs of the pool, throwing their phones into the grass.

"The only grown ups," Vic sighed with a grin, crossing her arms as she shook her head in disbelief.

"We should probably advise them in the pool, you know, as grown ups." Max chuckled, and the other two looked at each other once before following him in.

Lucy swam over to Angela and Talia, talking about whatever came up. Grace and Victoria joined them, and after much discussion, they all agreed that women had to work three times as hard to be taken seriously. Vic and Grace had already known each other, and it wasn't long before Vic was telling embarrassing stories from her college days.

The men were mostly spread out, Nolan, Tim, and Wesley were at one corner. Sterling and Jackson closer to the girls, and Leo and Max closer to the stairs. They had been whispering the entire night, Lucy and Tim both noticing their shift of body language as they caught their eyes.

The entire crowd stayed in the pool for around twenty minutes, and a few decided to leave and dance by the garden. Wesley and Angela were both slow dancing, Nolan and Grace, and Talia just mocked them as she scrolled through her phone, taking multiple photos.

"I don't mind sharing Wesley tonight!" Angela chirped, opening one arm for Talia to join. She quickly declined with a subtle laugh, settling herself down at the sofa. Lucy and Victoria swam their way over to Tim, watching as his eyes narrowed, them focused on Max.

"Are you two going to tell me what's going on here?" She whispered, tugging at Lucy's blouse slightly.

Lucy cleared her eyes, shoulder to should beside Tim.

"Go in front of us," Lucy spoke, clearing her eyes of the water.

Lucy looked over at Tim, who was hesitant to tell the woman he had only met a few days ago.

Tim finally gave in when Lucy gave him large, innocent eyes. He explained the story calmly, scorching closer to Vic so the two men could not see.

"What the hell," Vic almost spat out, her eyebrows furrowed and her feet floating in the water and she splashed her arms.

"And you're okay with this? Letting him use you? As your.." She stopped herself, knowing Tim hadn't known that Vic was Lucy's friend and doctor.

He gave a confused look, but shook it off.

Daggers were given to Max for the remainder of the time he stayed in the pool. He eventually said goodbye the guests, and made his way home. Leo lingered a few more minutes, though left soon after.

To: Lucy Chen
From: Leo Charles
"He didn't tell me anything, sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'll keep you updated on if he texts me."

Lucy replied back,

"Thanks for this, you literally saved my life."

She headed inside of the home, following after Tim. Vic had gone home, as had Talia.

Angela, Wesley, John, and Grace were all packing up, grabbing whatever belongings they had thrown around earlier.

"You gonna be okay to get home by yourself?" Tim tilted his head, hands in his wet pockets.

"I'm not going home yet, this place is a mess now. I'll help you, then I'll go." Lucy smiled politely, searching for a supply closet.

Tim thanked her, escorted his remaining guests, and began to pick up after the backyard. Lucy mopped the floors in the kitchen and living room, where multiple wet shoes had stepped. Once finished, she joined Tim, helping him bring all the remains of the food inside. He thanked her once more, his smile small but genuine.

"I told you, it's the least I could do." Chen rolled her eye with a goofy grin, closing the refrigerator.

"I should go, though. Jackson is staying at Sterling's for the night," Lucy sighed, looking over to the front door.

"You call me if you need anything." Tim waved her off, closing the door and locking it behind her. He made his way to the bedroom, grabbing a towel and then making way to the bathroom.


Lucy entered her car, her thoughts pounding at her head.

What I want.. is you.

She finally accepted it. Lucy Chen has feelings for Tim Bradford.

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