The Bet

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"I'm telling you, Charles. You give me a few weeks and I'll have her on her knees." Anderson gawks, crossing his arms as he chugs another glass full of beer.

"Hey, you do whatever you gotta do, but I'm not a part of this." He waved his hands in surrender, letting out a small smile.

"Hey, guys!" Lucy smiles, strutting over to the two men sitting at the bar. She seats herself beside Charles, scooting her stool slightly to get a better glance.

"What's up, Bradford tire you out already?" Anderson shoved his elbow at Charles' arm. Charles raises his eyebrows, leaning one arm onto the pub table of the bar.

"Nah, I just came for another refill," Lucy smiles, and for a minute Charles feels pity for her.

He taunts his head to the side, rubbing at his knees before rising from the now imprinted seat.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, you two behave yourselves," he points, chuckling as he scratched the back of his head, slowly making his way until they can no longer see his figure.

"So, Chen. How's Bradford treating you?" Anderson calls, readjusting himself. Lucy turned her head, thanking the woman as she fills her small bowl with french fries and wings.

"He's not that bad, you guys need to cut him some slack," Lucy sighs, slowly rising from her seat and making her way to the dance floor.

Anderson let's his eyes wander, them landing on the small of her back, then her ass. She's wearing the hottest blue jeans, and her top shows the perfect amount of cleavage.

She passes by her fellow police friends, then sits down across from Tim Bradford, who is clearly ready to leave.

"Chen, let's go. I'm tired and you've got paperwork waiting for you back at the station tomorrow morning." Tim murmurs, crossing his arms. Lucy rolls her eyes, crossing her arms as well. A challenge.

"Five more minutes, I told Jackson I would tell him when I'm going, I just have to find him," Lucy muttered, searching for her friend in the now crowded dance floor.

She walked toward, rubbing his arm gently, reminding him that she was going to leave. She waved a goodbye to Angela and Nolan, then another bye to Talia as she sees the woman exit the bathroom.

"That make you feel better, Boot?" He rolled his eyes, exiting the chair as he grabbed his jacket. Lucy grabbed hers, a proud smile as she walked out with her T.O.

"Yes, it did." She smiled up to him, and he just rolled his eyes again.

"Tim?" Lucy suddenly broke the silence, hopping into her own car. Tim stood at her window, looking at her with curiosity.

"What?" His tone was cold, and she could tell he was annoyed.

"Never mind, have a good night," she gave a small smile, buckling her seatbelt and starting her car. Tim walked to his own car, his hands tucked into his pockets.

Once finally home, Tim walked over to the shower, removing his clothing, immediately letting the tension he had been holding in his shoulders wash away.

Lucy, on the other hand, was still in her car, debating on whether she should call someone about her encounter with Anderson. She knew that he had a thing for her, ever since her first few months as a rookie. She would always find him at the same lunch spots as her and Tim, and every so often, she would see his car parked across the grocery store.She didn't
find it weird though, because though Maxwell Anderson may have been a little creepy, he would never hurt her. They were friends, sort of..

Lucy pushed her thoughts out of her head, grabbed her coat, and headed into her apartment complex.

She rubbed her hands together, breathing through her mouth as the cold wind hit her face. California had never been this cold. It was meant to be insanely cold this week, and next week would be one of the hottest weeks this year.

Once she finally arrived into her home, she smiled and inhaled the familiar smell of vanilla and honey, the wall scent she had purchased the previous week working wonders for her nerves.

Lucy was now the most stressed person, between her last few weeks as a rookie, her mother, and the job in general.


She grabbed her phone from her back pocket, glancing over the dim screen. Lucy tapped on the screen, unlocking her phone, then opening messages.

From: Tim Bradford
To: Lucy Chen
You better be in an hour early for roll call, 60 push-ups and a pile of paperwork waiting for you if you're late, Boot.

"Even over text he says, 'boot'," Lucy hummed, clearing the message and walking to her bedroom. She grabbed her towel, entering the bathroom. Her hands flew to her jeans, unbuttoning them, then to her shirt, and she threw it over her head. 

She placed the folded towel onto the sink counter, then entered the shower. She removed her hair from the ponytail it was in, massaging her fingers through her scalp, letting the harsh, hot water hit her back.

Once finishing her much needed shower, she rinsed off with cold water, then grabbed her towel. She made her way to her bedroom, picking at clothing in her dresser.

She stared at her closet, then looked around her room. I literally have NO dirty laundry.. I really need to go shopping...

She decided on just sleeping in a robe, considering she would have to be up in four hours if she wanted to be at the station by six.

Crawling into bed, she plays with the hem of the comfortable pillow, tracing through the thin sewing material.

Her eyes finally flutter closed, and she stays in a peaceful dream until her alarm rings.

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