Don't Speak, Don't Bother

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Lucy knew she had some sort of feeling for Tim. It was clear, the way she would catch herself gazing at him whenever he wasn't looking was far too obvious.

Lucy made her way to the small station to grab their gear, placing it in the trunk of the shop. She sat in their shop, waiting for Tim to arrive.

Bradford arrived twelve minutes later, hands on his belt as he stepped closer, then opened the door and entered. He started the car, most of their shift easy and silent. Lucy didn't unless needed, things like:

Yes, sir.
No, sir.
Code 4.

The last call insisted that the two talk though, because even though Tim knew she wasn't in the mood, he knew she was needing to talk to someone.

"Boot, how do we approach?" Bradford called, hands on his gun.

Lucy sighed, looking into the convenience store. There weren't any customers, only a cashier being held hostage by someone who look no older than eighteen.

"There are two doors, front and back. Approach suspect, don't use force unless if needed." Lucy used as many little words as she could, still focusing on her target. She needed to prove to her T.O and to herself that she could handle pressure and the job at once.

Lucy began her way to the back of the store, crouching through the isles. A round mirror installed at the corner of a wall assisted her, and she smirked as she reached the suspect.

"Hands up!" Bradford yelled, and the man turned on his heels, only to be stopped by Chen. She held her gun close to his face, and she surrendered her gun when the kid put his hands into the air. Lucy cuffed the boy, whispering into his ear.

"You're far too young to be screwing up your life like this. How old are you?" Lucy questioned, careful for her TO's ears.

"Seventeen." The boy replied, and Lucy shook her head. disappointingly as she closed the shop door. She hopped into her seat, waiting for Tim to finish up with the cashier.

"We turn this one in and we're end of shift." Tim sighs, backing up the shop to exit the parking lot.

Lucy stays quiet, careful not to irritate her training officer.

Once she exited the locker room, she tripped back once as she found Tim, standing there. He'd been waiting for her.

"You gonna finally tell me why you've been quiet all day? You couldn't keep it shut last week," Tim scoffed, immediately rolling his eyes as he regretted his words.

"I'll keep my mouth shut from now on. Sorry for the inconvenience, Sir." Lucy spoke, simple and cold. Tim furrowed his eyebrows, letting go of his own arms. Lucy began to walk, brushing her arm past his. He grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.

Lucy closed her eyes for a moment, opening them only to see Tim staring at her.

"Okay, stop. What's going on with you?" Tim asked, his eyes only reflecting worry.

"Because you care," Lucy scoffed, lashing out her wrist and pacing past him. She made her way to the parking lot without trouble, only to remember that she had to go to lunch with Anderson. Shit.

She thought about cancelling, coming up with some lame excuse, but figured her day couldn't get any worse, and so a little payed dinner couldn't be that bad.

Lucy arrived home, took a quick shower, then toyed with her closet, looking for a dress that fit her just right.

Her phone rang, and she was quick to answer it, reading the Caller ID.

"Max Anderson"

"Hey, Lucy! You almost ready? I was thinking I could pick you up, if you want." And she could tell just from the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

Anderson was cute, maybe a little attractive, but no where near Tim. Though Lucy knew her feelings for Tim didn't mean anything, it didn't hurt to compare other men to him.

Anderson had dark, almost black hair, and pale skin. His eyes were brown, and the way he smiled sent a chill down her spine every time she saw it. Not in the cute, butterfly way, but in the "creeps" way.

It wasn't an ideal smile, it was more of a smirk, and Lucy couldn't help but think that he smiled like that toward other women.

She spoke into the phone, "Yeah, that's okay! I should be ready in thirty, do you have a reservation?" Her voice was pitched, and she continued scrambling through her closet.

"Yeah, it's set for 8:20, I figured we would both be a little late," he laughed.

Lucy laughed as well, her thoughts of him on another level suddenly flooding out the window.

"Well, I'll call you when I'm ready, bye!" She hung up the phone, throwing it across her bed. She decided on a black dress with a slit at her left leg, reaching to her mid-thigh. The v-line was showing the right amount of cleavage, and her sleeves rolled off her shoulders perfectly. She took a few photos of herself after finishing her makeup, standing awkwardly in her mirror. How the hell do those girls make it look so easy?

She then found two positions that worked perfectly for her. One with her back facing the mirror, her phone pointing toward it to show her gorgeous, loosely curled hair. The other pose resulting in her with her knees in a squatting position, but closed, and her slit showing as she hung one arm on her thigh. She took the photo with her right hand, letting her hair loosely fall down her back.

She smiled at the results, favoriting them to remind herself to check back on them later. She checked up on her makeup once more before exiting the house, knocking on Jackson's door to inform him that she would be leaving. 

Jackson called back an okay, and she left, making sure to not give her location u til she found herself at a new apartment complex, only a few feet down from her own. He may seem sweet, but there's no way I'm giving him my address. Lucy scoffed, then called him.

"Hey, I'm ready whenever you are." She smiled into the phone, looking behind her to watched the lights of the apartments gradually turn off.

"I'll send you my location, one second," she spoke, tapping at her screen.

He arrived in less than ten minutes, though she knew he lived across town... someone's desperate...

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