Arc 3 chapter 3: case closed|handyman

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The day of Sudou's trial was here.

Sakura hadn't been seen for the past few days. I assumed that class C must have acted in my favour, and broken into her apartment. An experience like that would surely make a girl like Sakura stay in isolation for a long while. Just as well, really.

Since I wasn't in one of the classes directly involved in the conflict, I wasn't allowed to be there when the trial started, but I did get to walk Kushida to the student council room where the trial would take place.

"So, you think you'll be able to convince Sakura to come out of her apartment?" Kushida asked.

"Yeah. If she doesn't come willingly, I'm sure I can persuade her," I said.

"Why do I get a bad feeling when you say that?" She asked, pouting a little.

"Ahaha, don't worry, nothing like that. I can just make sure she feels motivated enough to point out the people who broke into her apartment," I continued.

"Oi, Ayanokouji!"

I turned to see Ryuuen behind me.

"Ah, Ryuuen-kun! I hope you're doing well today," I said, smiling.

"Yeah, whatever. So anyway, I heard you had a witness? Who is it?" He asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say we have a witness as such, but I do have photo evidence," I said.

"Yeah, sure you do. Where then?"

"Right here," I said, pulling a photo out of my bag. Right there, caught in 4K, where Ryuuen's goons attacking Sudou.

Ryuuen's face darkened.

"Where'd you get this?" He asked, quietly.

"Well, since you had Ishizaki tail me yesterday, I thought it would be a good idea to print out some copies of the photo, in case something happened to the camera," I explained.

Ryuuen snatched the photo out of my hand and ripped it into a hundred tiny pieces right in front of me.

"You have other copies, I assume?" He asked, breathing heavily and looking down at the mess he had made.

"Of course. I'm not stupid, Ryuuen-kun."

Ryuuen laughed quietly, and slumped against the wall.

"So then. What are your terms?" He asked, knowing he was defeated.

"Well, for one, I'd like you to stop feuding with the other classes. It's not good to fight!" I said, mocking anger and pointing at him.

"And? What else?"

"Hmmmm...yeah, just repel your claim against Sudou and then I'll destroy all the photos," I said, smiling.

Ryuuen looked up at me.

"R-really? Is that all I need to do? Why aren't you making harder demands of me? Why aren't you blackmailing me to serve you?" He asked.

"I'm not that kind of guy. I don't want to fight other people, I just want to live a happy school life," :D

Ryuuen looked back down.

"So...that's the kind of man you are then? Kukuku, and here I was thinking you would try to go down the Nagumo-senpai route and bend every first-year to your will one by one."

"I'm glad to have subverted your expectations, then. Anyway, I trust you'll do the right thing," I said, walking away and waving to him and Kushida.

It's a shame that I had caused someone to get assaulted.

I decided to go and check on Sakura.


When I got to Sakura's dorm, I knocked on the door.

There was no answer.

"Sakura-san? It's Ayanokouji from class D," I said, knocking again.

There was still no answer.

I walked a few feet to the right of the door, and pressed my ear against the wall. In this position, I knocked on the door again.

I couldn't hear any movement from her bedroom. I would be able to hear something if she was there, and Horikita had told me she hadn't come to class today, so this would be the only place she could be.

I started to panic a little. Had the class C students been to rough with her? Had they...

No, not even they would be stupid enough to do that.

There was a weakness I had discovered in the doors to our dorms. Since they were digital, you couldn't pick the lock in the traditional sense, but if you prised the lock mechanism open, you could open it via the circuit board, which I did now.

It took me a little under 30 seconds to do, since the locks on the girls dorms were more complex than the ones on the boys doors.

I opened the door, and closed it again behind me.

"Sakura-san?" I called out.

There was no answer.

I looked around the apartment.

There was no sign of her. Her bed was messy and the apartment could use a bit of cleaning, but I assumed that Sakura wasn't particularly bothered about a clean living space.

I was slightly worried now. Was there something I missed? A note saying she'd decided to leave?

I looked around the apartment one last time, and I went in the bathroom.

There, on the shower curtain, was the absolute tiniest splash of red.


It had been a truly wonderful evening for my girlfriend and I.

I went to her house and had some truly wonderful dinner prepared by her hands. It was truly delectable.

Now, we were driving back to my house. It was in a small town a fair ways from Tokyo.

There wasn't much that could be said about it, rather than there were about 60,000 people living here, and I was in the rather well off portion of that group.

I inherited my house from my father, who passed away some time ago. It was a beautiful old villa, which wasn't too uncommon for the area I lived in.

I'm a fairly normal man, if I do say so myself. All I wish for is a peaceful life, not unlike many people.

The only thing that I would say set me apart was my upbringing.

Well, let's just say I was...constricted, both physically and emotionally. The memories of my youth made me anxious and angry at the same time, and I would often bite my nails until they bled just to stop thinking about it.

(Wouldn't want to get too heavy into spoilers :3)

As I parked outside the house, and opened the door for my girlfriend. I graciously took her hand and guided her towards the house, never letting go.

I opened the door, and walked inside.

"Ah, darling. Would you mind putting the radio on?"

As I knew, we were just in time to hear the little jingle and the radio host announcing the next song. As soon as I heard the song title, my ears perked up; it was one of my favourites.

"She keeps her Moët et Chandon, in her pretty cabinet. Let them eat cake, she says, just like Marie Antoinette,"

I took my girlfriend by the hand and danced with her for the chorus, singing along with the radio.

"She's a killer queen, gunpowder gelatine, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind," I sung.

1180 words
Woah, bet you didn't expect to see me here >:3
I'm guessing you can probably tell who the final character is. If you don't know, it probably doesn't matter. If you do know, good for you: this fic gonna take a good turn.
They're in the walls
Not much else to say really
Hope your doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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