Arc 1 chapter 2: introductions|shopping and karaoke

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"I'll go first. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I like all kinds of sports, and I practice quite a few martial arts. My hobbies are piano, calligraphy, tea ceremony and stuff like that. My goal is to be friends with as many people as possible, so please feel free to give me your contact information. I hope you'll all join me for karaoke after the entrance ceremony. The first round of drinks are on me," I said, smiling warmly.

Again, a few of the girls blushed when I looked at them. Ichinose, a little upset that I had taken the initiative before her, quietly sat down and listened to my introduction. No doubt she wanted to be the one who brought the class together under a single, unanimous organisation. Unfortunately for her, I had beaten her to the punch. Not that she thought it was a competition, I imagine.

A few others gave their introductions. Not that I really cared. The only person who's introduction I wanted to listen to was Ichinose's. I wanted to see how she'd try and regain control of the class.

Eventually, she stood up.

"My name is Ichinose Honami. It's so nice to meet all of you. There's not much to say about me, to be honest. I don't excel in academics or sports, but I love to talk with people, so feel free to call me if you want to chat. By the way, Ayanokouji-san, I can't wait for karaoke later. It'll be so much fun," she said, smiling.

So, she truly didn't care about being the leader of the class. But I could see that she didn't quite trust me yet, unlike everyone else. I would have to be very careful with her. She was quite observant.

If I'm not careful, she might topple me from the throne I had created for myself.

After introductions, I had the contact information of every single person in my class, including Ichinose.

The entrance ceremony was truly boring.

Afterwards, I led our class to the karaoke parlour. There were a few who didn't come with us, including a girl called Yuki Himeno. Unlike the rest of our class, she didn't seem to care about being friends with everyone. At least she wore her heart on her sleeve, unlike me. I would have to speak to her at some point. I'm sure she could become a useful asset.

I bought everyone a round of drinks, and I hired a booth for 1 hour. I instructed Shiranami Chihiro, a girl who had been shadowing me ever since we left the entrance ceremony, to purchase another booth, since our group was too big for 1 booth. She looked upset at having to leave me, but happy that she was able to help me.

We divided the class, and we each went into our separate rooms. I made sure that Ichinose was in the same room as me, so she couldn't undermine my influence while I wasn't with her. Luckily, she didn't realise this, and followed me into our booth.

About an hour later, voices were starting to get horse, and moods were starting to lighten up. It was truly a happy time.

Not that I felt any happiness in me.

After karaoke, many people, mainly girls, decided it would be a good idea to go shopping. I decided to join in.

When we got to the expensive-looking clothes shop, the girls went crazy over the selection of exquisite clothing.

A few minutes after we came in, another group came in, a little smaller than ours. Like our group, it was mainly girls. Not particularly strange, considering the store we were in only sold women's clothing.

Since there was now about 60 people in the store, it was quite crowded, and items were flying off the shelves.

Soon enough, an argument had broken out.

It was between one of the girls from the other group and Amikura Mako, a girl from my class.

Apparently, they had both seen a dress at the same time, and were fighting over who saw it first.

"Ayanokouji-kun, tell her it's mine," Amikura said.

"Hey, stay out of this," the other girl said to me.

I put their hands on both of their shoulders.

"Amikura-chan. To be honest, I don't think this dress is good enough for you to wear. I think you should go for something more like this," I said, pulling another dress off of the rack.

Amikura, surprised by how I addressed her, blushed and allowed me to direct her to a mirror. I put the dress up to her, and leaned in close to her.

"Yes. I think you'd look beautiful in this," I whispered.

Her blush deepened, and she took the dress from me and bought it straight away. It was lucky that I had taken her measurements into consideration, or else she would have had a dress that didn't fit.

Just then, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see the boy who had come in with the other group of girls.

"You handled that really well," he said.

"Ah, it was nothing. I'm Ayanokouji, by the way. From class 1-B," I introduced myself, and stretched out my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Hirata Yousuke, from class 1-D. It's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun," he said, shaking my hand.

"Likewise," I said.

Our groups automatically merged, and we kept going from store to store. The girl who had fought with Amikura apologised for her behaviour, and gave me her contact information. Her name was Kei Karuizawa.

In the next shop, Ichinose sidled up next to me.

"Hi, Ayanokouji-kun," she said.

"Hey, you're...Himeno-san, right?" I asked, pretending to forget her name.

"Haha, no...I'm Ichinose. Ichinose Honami. Goodness, you've been quite the social butterfly today, enough that you've started to mix names up," she laughed.

"Ah well, that's the way when starting a new school, isn't it. Don't worry, Ichinose-san, I won't forget again. Anyway, what is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked.

The interaction we just had was quite critical, especially to those who had overheard it. By showing other people that I had forgotten her name, it made her seem less important in the hierarchy of the class. Also, to her, a boy forgetting her name might put within her the desire to make me spend more time with her in order for me to remember her name.

"Oh, nothing really. How do you think these shoes would look on me?" She asked, holding up the shoes in question.

"I think you'd look great no matter what you wear, if I'm honest," I said.

She blushed, and curled her hair.

"Y-you think so?" She asked.

This wasn't the same type of blush that happened to Amikura. Whilst that was a blush drawn out of the joy of being complimented by a boy she liked, Ichinose was blushing because she was embarrassed. It was evident that Ichinose, unlike most of the other girls I had met so far, wasn't really interested in me.

But I didn't want her to be interested in me. Sure, she was attractive, but I wasn't interested in that, either.

I just wanted her to serve me.

1219 words
So tired -_-

This chapter really shows what Ayanokouji's goal is: to have everyone become reliant on him in some way, either to solve conflict, or perhaps, in Ichinose's case, to just become his servant.

Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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