Prologue: commute

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I opened my eyes. I looked over at my digital clock to see that it was exactly 5:59 AM, one minute before the alarm I had set would go off. Obviously, such an alarm wasn't needed for me. I always woke up at this time.

I got out of bed, and looked in the mirror. My hair was slightly messy, and my pyjamas were wrinkled from me turning in my sleep.

I tidied the bed, and took of my pyjamas. I caught a glimpse of my muscular figure in the mirror, and grimaced slightly. I had a body that most men would kill for, but at what cost?

I exercised, doing my usual routine, and then had a shower.

Coming out of the shower, I put on my new school uniform, and went downstairs. I was greeted by Matsuo, my butler.

"Good morning, Ayanokouji-sama. Did you sleep well?" He asked, setting the table with my breakfast.

Today, instead of traditional breakfast, he had decided to make western food: scrambled eggs on toast, with fried bacon and sausages (A/N the best breakfast imaginable)

"I slept very well, Matsuo. How about you?" I asked, taking a seat at the head of the table, where my plate was set.

"I also slept soundly, thank you for asking. What would you like to drink, Ayanokouji-sama? I made fresh orange juice this morning, or would you perhaps like tea? Or maybe coffee?" He asked.

"I'll just have water, thank you," I answered.

"Right away," he said, walking into the kitchen to get my drink.

I tucked into my breakfast. It was always good to eat in the morning, especially protein and carbohydrates. A healthy breakfast meant that you would be able to have more energy throughout the day. An unhealthy breakfast, or no breakfast for that matter, meant that you would likely feel tired, or even faint, before lunch.

And when breakfast tasted this good, there was no way you could turn it down.

I drank the water Matsuo had given me, thanked him for the meal, and went to the door.

"Ayanokouji-sama," Matsuo called.


"Please, live a good life," he said, putting his arms around me.

I returned the hug, smiling at him.

"I will, Matsuo-san. Please, give my best to your son," I said.

"You can do that yourself. He is also attending ANHS alongside you. He, however, has been put in class A, unlike you."

That's right. Eiichirou had also passed the tests needed to attend ANHS. It was a shame that we weren't in the same class. I would have liked to have someone I already knew and could trust in my class.

I left the house, and waved to Matsuo as he saw me off.

I decided I would walk to school. It wasn't too far, and I would make it well enough in time, so long as I didn't get distracted.

I walked through the bustling streets of Tokyo: a bustling metropolis filled with blinding nights, people, and a constant deafening cacophony of noise.

It was beautiful. I loved being able to experience this.

As I was waiting to cross at a junction, I saw a girl wearing the same school uniform as me. She had black hair, with two braids trailing down to her waist. She was reading a book I had read before: crime and punishment.

As I looked at her, she turned her head, and our eyes met. I gave her a little wave, and she turned away, clicking her tongue and burying her nose back into the book.

I couldn't really blame her. It was a very good book.

We continued walking to school.

About halfway through the journey, I decided that the best way forward was to go through an alley.

Obviously, the girl next to me thought so too.

As we were walking through the alley, we came across a group of lowlifes who were smoking something. I sniffed the air, and identified the substance as cannabis sativa. Weed.

They were also, obviously, very drunk.

I could also see a large amount of other substances around them, too. All of them were highly illegal in most countries, including Japan.

As they saw the girl walk past, they began calling out to her.

"Hey, lady. Wanna drag? I'll give you some, if you show me something of yours," one man said.

"Who's that, your boyfriend?" Another asked.

They started to surround us.

"Uhm, please can you let us pass?" I asked, trying to calm the situation.

"Nuh uh, don't think so man."

"*whistle* your girlfriend is mighty sexy. Mind if I have a go on her?" One man mocked, drawing out laughter from his friends. This one was obviously the 'leader' of the group.

I stood back-to-back with my fellow classmate, wondering how to resolve the situation.

"Can you fight?" She asked, quietly.

"I'm ok," I lied.

Upon hearing that, she ducked low and aimed a kick at the face of the leader. He left the ground for a moment, and landed on his head. He was out cold.

The rest of the group closed in. I punched one in the face, and let another one kick me in the stomach. I clutched my stomach, pretending to be in pain.

Meanwhile, the girl had instantly beaten her half of the group, and judo-flipped the one who had kicked me before he went in to do further damage to me.

"Are you ok? Can you walk?" She asked.

"Yes *cough*" I replied.

"You're not a very good fighter, are you?" She asked.

"Obviously. I do piano and calligraphy, not karate, or whatever it was you do," I said.

"Well, I suppose not everyone is as good at fighting as me. Besides, your effort to sort the situation peacefully was admirable, in its own way. I can see you're a kind and caring person," she said.

"Thank you," I replied.

"You're exactly the type of person I can't get along with," she said, walking away.

Well that was quite rude.

I looked at the bodies on the floor. I rifled through their pockets.

120,000 yen in cash, and a lot of illegal substances, including marijuana, cocaine and heroine. There were also 2 unopened bottles of sake.

I put the drugs in the bin, and put the sake and money in my bag.

I could imagine it would come in very useful later down the line.

The drugs, also, could have come in useful. Teenagers like myself would happily pay a lot of money for a tiny fraction of what I had found here today.

I could imagine it now: a small army of drug dependant teenagers following my every whim, all for a little bit more of what they craved so very much. I could rule the entire school behind the scenes. I could even sell it to teachers. I'm sure a few of them would be stressed enough to give in to temptation.

Maybe I could even start an empire out of it. I could become the biggest drug dealer in Japan. It's citizens would be at my mercy.

But no. I didn't want the attention I would inevitably get from the police at this time. Besides, how would I get any more?

I would have to settle for selling the sake for now.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Where stories live. Discover now