Arc 1 chapter 7: dragon communion|kindred spirit

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I had organised 5 table bookings for pallet cafe today. Anyone was free to attend, but I hadn't exactly advertised the event. I simply relied on word of mouth to fill seats.

And, lo and behold, all 5 tables were full. These gossiping fools really knew how to make the most of an invitation.

In fact, our group was so large that we filled the entire cafe, not just the tables I booked. It was starting to get to the point where other students couldn't get a seat.

"Waddya mean, 'there's no more seats'? Where am I supposed to sit?" Said a girl with short, dyed blonde hair and a nasty temper.

If I remembered correctly, her name was Manabe Shiho, a prominent figure in class C. She was effectively her class' equivalent of Karuizawa: the central gyaru figure that the rest of the girls sort of rallied around.

I decided to go and see if I could resolve the problem peacefully.

"Ah, Manabe-san, it's good to see you again. What seems to be the problem?" I asked.

"Oh, h-hi Ayanokouji. Can you believe they ran out of space? What a shitty café." Manabe blushed and acted shy when I greeted her, but started ranting about how I had filled up the café. Not that she knew it was me.

"Oh, well if that's the problem, I'm sure I can help free up some space for you," I said, grabbing my bag.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun. You shouldn't have to leave because these guys want to sit. You paid for these tables, after all," said one of the class D girls.

"Hey, who said this was anything to do with you?" Said Manabe, pointing at the girl who had spoken out.

The two started arguing with each other, and soon their friends started to join in.

I tried to calm the situation, but to no avail. It seemed I was powerless in this instance. If only I was able to act with a little more authority. But, alas, I couldn't. Not if I wanted to keep up my kind Ikemen persona.

Just then, the door of the café was opened with a loud noise, snapping everyone out of their previous argument.

In the doorway stood a muscular boy with shoulder length magenta hair. He wore a black shirt underneath his school jacket.

"What's with all this ruckus? I'm trying to enjoy a nice coffee out here, and you can hear your argument all the way back at the dorms," said the boy.

"R-Ryuuen-kun. These guys purposefully filled up the entire café, and now we can't..." Manabe started to explain, but the boy, apparently called Ryuuen, interrupted her.

"So, they came to the café before you, and are just minding their own business, so you decide to cause a scene because you can't sit down? Why not just order something to take out?" The boy reasoned.

"Well...that's..." Manabe started to protest, but Ryuuen cut her off again.

"Exactly. Order whatever you want, and then leave. Who organised this get together?" Ryuuen asked to the crowd. I put up my hand.

"Well then...I'm so, terribly sorry for the trouble my classmates caused you today," he said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"It's no bother, really. To be entirely honest, it's our fault," I said, scratching my head and shaking his hand.

He started to increase his grip on my palm, so I matched his grip. He continued to increase until he could go no further. I could have pressed more, but it was unnecessary.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, from class 1-B. And you?"

"Kukuku, so you're the Ayanokouji I've heard so much about. I'm Ryuuen Kakeru, from class 1-C. Don't worry, I'll be sure to discipline my classmates appropriately for their transgressions today," he said, looking towards Manabe and her friends.

Upon receiving his gaze, the froze, and some of them started to tremble a little.

They left, and he followed.

Before he closed the door, Ryuuen spoke to me.

"I'll be meeting you soon, Ayanokouji-kun," he said, grinning.

That whole interaction felt a What did he mean by 'discipline'? Was he perhaps going to physically abuse them?

Well, it didn't really matter. We enjoyed the rest of the day in the café.

I was now on 70,000 points. I needed to find a way to get some more very soon. If I continued my current trajectory, I'll have spent all of them before the month ended.

Most people had now left the café. In fact, it was only me and one other person left, and they now stood up to leave.

"Well, it's been really great talking to you, Ayanokouji-kun," said Kushida, brushing herself off.

"It really has, Kushida-san," I said, going to the bar to pay the bill for the tables.

She left the café, and I went back to my seat to grab my bag after paying.

I noticed something in the corner of my eye. It was Kushida's cell phone.

I rushed outside to give it to her.

Once outside, I looked around. I saw her walking...

In the direction of the school, in the total opposite direction of the dormitories.

Now that was strange. That was very strange indeed.

Why would she be going there at this hour?

I followed her into the school building, being careful not to be seen by her. It was late now, and quite dark, so it was easy for me to blend into the shadows.

She started going upstairs, up to the rooftop. She opened the door, and walked out into the clear night.

I decided not to go through, but I managed to keep the door ajar, enough so I could see and hear who she was meeting.

Perhaps she had a secret boyfriend. If so, that would be excellent leverage over someone like her, who relied on men thinking she was single to gain popularity so quickly.

She put down her bag, and stood for a moment.

"He's so fucking annoying," she said, quietly.

What was most surprising wasn't the fact that she swore, which didn't seem like her, but the fact that her whole persona had changed.

One minute, she was a kind and caring girl, and now she was a hateful woman.

"I wish he would just die," she continued, and began to repeatedly kick the fence.

"Die, die, die, die. Eat shit and die," she continued.

Had I really found one of my people? A kindred spirit?

"Stealing my thunder? I'M supposed to be the most popular, not you. You're just some guy," she said.

Oh. I didn't like where this was going.

"You're not even trying, yet you're more liked than me? Some of us have to earn our popularity, yanno...and yet you just waltz in here and effortlessly become the most popular first-year. Eat shit and die, Ayanokouji. Just die in a ditch," she continued.

Maybe this wasn't the best time to talk to her.

I tried to quietly close the door, but it made a loud noise as I tried to shut it.

As soon as she heard this noise, Kushida froze, then turned towards me.

Our eyes locked together.

1218 words
Dragon boi introduced
Kushida's true nature revealed, slightly earlier than in the ln.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora