Arc 3 chapter 2: confrontation|whistleblower

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"What are you doing here, Ayanokouji?" Asked Ryuuen.

"What do you mean? Aren't I allowed to come and see my fellow classmates once in a while?"

"Tch...I don't know what your game is, but you need to leave."

"Well, I would like to, but I'd really like to get to the bottom of why you ordered your friends to attack Sudou. Moreover, why you deliberately told them to get beat up as badly as possible," I explained.

Ryuuen tutted again.

"Like I said at the time of the incident: Sudou attacked first. My classmates simply wanted to talk to Sudou, and he went crazy and started to beat them up. They didn't even have time to defend themselves," he said, pointing to a green haired student, Ishizaki.

"Y-yeah, I got beat up real bad...but if I was really trying, I could've won by myself!" Ishizaki said, trying to defend his honour.

"Oh, so then you admit that you weren't trying to defend yourself? You wanted to get beat up?" I asked, trying to be as annoying as possible.

Ishizaki froze, and Ryuuen slowly turned to look at him. His gaze said 'never speak again'.

"Of course Ishizaki was trying to defend himself, as were the others, but Sudou's stronger than almost all of us. They had no chance," Ryuuen said, trying to cover up his subordinates mistake.

"But earlier you said that they didn't even have time to defend themselves? Which is it, Ryuuen-kun? I just want the facts, that's all," I said smugly.

This time it was Ryuuen's turn to freeze.

I could see the gears whirring in his head.

"You did pretty well in that boxing match, didn't you?" He asked.

I was slightly taken aback by the change of subject.

"Mmm, yeah, I suppose so. To be honest, though, I don't think I'm really anything special. I drew on time anyway, so it's not like I actually one. Besides, most of the other guys competing were complete amateurs like me, so it was all down to luck," I said, pretending to think hard.

"That's right. You DID get lucky, but you won't get lucky again!"

Ryuuen immediately leapt up from the table he was perched on, grabbed my collar, and pulled me off of my seat.

The plan had turned out well, then.

I put on a face of terror.

"You see? You're nothing. Just a scared little boy," said Ryuuen, smirking.

"Woah! What's going on!"

All heads turned to the doorway, where Kushida was standing, eyes wide and legs shaking.

"W-why are you guys fighting? You need to stop, or I'll get the teacher!" She shouted.

Ryuuen and I locked eyes, and he let go of my collar.

"So, why do you think that I set this up?" Asked Ryuuen, glossing over the incident that just occurred.

"Why? Oh, because there was a witness," I said, smiling.

This time, everyone froze.

"A w-witness?"

"Ryuuen-san, maybe we should-"

"Shut up!"

Everyone was silent.

"'s almost time for lessons to start. I suggest you go back to your classroom," Ryuuen muttered.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Where stories live. Discover now