Arc 1 chapter 8: Kushida Kikyou

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"Who's there?" She asked.

I couldn't simply slip away now. She knew I was here.

"Is that...Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, opening the door and stepping out onto the rooftop.

After a brief silence, Kushida coldly asked, "what...are you...doing here?"

"I just came to give you back your left it at the café," I said, holding the phone up.

Kushida looked straight at me. I'd never seen such an intense gaze before.

"Did you hear?" She asked.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" I replied.

"I see..."

Kushida briskly walked towards me. She snatched her phone, and the she placed her left forearm against the base of my throat, and pushed me against the wall. She wasn't very strong, but I decided to let the situation play out. Her tone of voice, her actions, everything about her was completely unlike the Kushida I knew. This new Kushida wore a terrifying expression, one that I could rival to my own.

"If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you."

Her words were ice, and I didn't think they were an idle threat.

"Were you letting out some pent up feelings up here? At having to act so good all the time?" I asked.

She loosened her grip for a moment out of surprise, but then doubled the pressure on my throat.

"'s just been a long day, is all," she lied.

"Please, Kushida-san. I know all to well how you're feeling," I said, slowly grabbing her arm and removing it from my throat.

She looked startled at how easily I did this. I bent her arm backwards, and she winced in pain. After about 5 seconds of this, I let her go.

"Kushida-san...may I let out some stress, too?" I asked, looking out over the rooftop.

She didn't say anything, so I continued.

"It's so hard, trying to please everyone all the time. I've had to live off of free meals, and I've had to scrimp and save at home too, all because everyone else wants me to be the one to organise events and such. It's so annoying," I said.

"You...get it?" Kushida asked, a little frightened.

"Do I get it? Fuck yeah I get it. I may not have been doing this for as long as you, Kushida, but I've certainly worked a lot harder for this than you," I said, kicking the fence.

Kushida flinched and let out a little yelp because of the sound.

" and I are the same, aren't we?" I asked, turning towards her.

"I've gone through a lot worse than you have," she hissed.

Something within me snapped at that moment, and I kicked her in the stomach. I made sure to cover her mouth so no one would hear her scream.

There were tears coming out of Kushida's eyes now.

"Kushida...never compare our pasts again. No matter what's ever happened to you before, or what will ever happen to you in the future, it will never come close to what my life has been, or what my life will be again when I'm forced to go back to my home," I whispered.

Once she had stopped crying, I lifted my hand from her mouth.

"Then...why don't you tell me about it?" She asked.

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