Arc 1 chapter 12: the presidential election

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"It looks like your bubbles have been burst. If you had simply understood the harsh reality of the situation from the start, then this long homeroom period might have meant something. Your midterm exams are in three weeks. Please think things over, and be careful not to drop out. I have confidence that your abilities will allow you not to fail, at the very least. If at all possible, challenge yourself to act in a way befitting a skilled individual."

Chabashira-sensei exited the room, closing the door with some force for added emphasis.

The class started to bubble over in anxiety.

"I carefully scheduled my months on the assumption I'd be getting 100,000 points. Now I'm gonna have to rethink everything."

"Yeah. They really should have told us this from the start."

The class was about to erupt into pandemonium. I had planned in advance, and decided to stand up, and clap my hands twice. Instantly, I had the attention of the room.

"All right, I know that some shocking things have been revealed to us today, but I think our plan of action is clear," I said.

Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"I've only known you all for a month. One short month. But that month has allowed me to get to know each and every single one of you, and we have forged strong bonds of friendship that the revelations of today can't simply break apart," I continued, really laying on the cringe.

But apparently, the cringe worked. Everyone seemed to calm down a little.

"So, in case any more unexpected events occur, I think we should form a class hierarchy. For today, I nominate myself to be class representative. If we ever need to talk to other classes, or any important decisions need to be made, I have the final say in any matters. Of course, we will hold a proper vote soon. Any objections?" I asked.

No one put their hand up.

"Ok. The positions I have in mind are as follows," I said, explaining each role and writing them on the board.

Class representative: will be the point of contact with other classes, has the final say in any major decision that could affect class points.

Class president: has the ability to call for a majority vote if they think the class representative is making a choice that will harm the class, and has the ability to hold an election for a new class representative if the current representative is deemed unworthy for the role.

Vice-president: given the powers of the class president of the class president is absent. If the class president is expelled, the vice-president will take charge until a new president is voted in.

Class secretary: must always take notes on everything discussed in meetings and classes for other students within the class to see. Also responsible for organising any study sessions.

Class tutors: the top 10 students will be responsible for tutoring anyone who requires it.

Everyone listed in the above categories, including the class tutors, will be members of the new class council.

"These are the roles I have in mind. I would like you to put a slip of paper with someone's name written on it in my bag," I said, emptying my bag.

"Of course, don't nominate 1 person for 2 different roles. Now, write down who you would like to be class representative. Ichinose-san, could you please come up to the front and double check the votes once I have counted them?" I asked, gesturing to Ichinose, who agreed.

After everyone had put their vote in, I counted through them. As I thought, I won. My social skills were excellent, and I had the largest social circle in the school. I was the obvious choice. In fact, only 3 people didn't vote for me: Kanzaki, Ichinose and Himeno. I recognised their handwriting. I would have to be careful of them.

For our class president, Kanzaki was chosen. This was a good choice, both for the class and for me. He was good for the class because he was a very diligent student, and quite trustworthy. Good for me because he was extremely easy to manipulate.

Shibata was our vice-president. The vice-presidents position was only useful when Kanzaki was absent.

Ichinose was our secretary. Luckily, she was in a position that couldn't do much damage to me if she ever turned against me.

2 of the 3 people who voted against me as class president had positions in the class council, and I judged that Himeno didn't vote for me simply because she didn't like me.

I had to be careful that those 3 didn't band together to usurp my authority. Ichinose and Kanzaki had a good friendship with each other that would be quite hard to break, but I was sure that Himeno wasn't great friends with them.

"Well, it seems our class is now very well organised. Also, I would like the top 10 students to stay here at break, as we need to discuss whether you're willing to tutor everyone else, and whether you want to be a part of the class council," I said.

Unknown POV

Zero points? Well that was shit.

I'd have to go and vent to Kiyotaka later.

"Ah, Kiyotaka...get ready for an earful," I said quietly, under my breath.

"Hm? Kiyotaka?" A voice behind me said.

I turned around, to see Horikita standing behind me.

"Ah, Horikita-san. It's nothing, just talking to myself is all," I lied.

"Kushida-san, do you know Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun from class B very well?" She asked.

"Y-yes...well, at least a little better than most people. We talk now and again," I said, scratching my cheek and looking away.

"So, you're dating him?" She asked.

"W-what? No, haha..." I blurted.

" seem rather defensive when I say that. Anyway, I need you to ask him something for me," she said.

"Huh? What do you need," I asked.

"I want to meet with him."

1010 words
Not a very exciting chapter, but a chapter is a chapter.
Btw, Kushida and Horikita didn't go to the same junior high school, so Kushida doesn't obsessively hate Horikita.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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