Arc 1 chapter 11: Chabashira|01/05

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"Ayanokouji-kun. How may I help you?" Asked Chabashira.

I loudly coughed to cover up the sound of me locking the door.

"Well, Chabashira-sensei...I've come to ask you more about the school," I said.

"I see. If I'm able to answer, I will," she said, whilst writing.

"Well, I was just wondering why the school arranged our classes in order of ability," I said, keeping a light tone, and crossing my legs.

Chabashira froze for a moment, but regained her composure as quickly as it she had lost it.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I'm afraid I'm rather busy right now, could you please meet me at a better time?" She asked, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Sensei...I would kindly ask that you not dismiss my question."

Chabashira-sensei stopped writing, and looked at me.

"Ayanokouji-kun...I have no idea what you're talking about," said Chabashira.

It was almost convincing. Her acting skills were great.

A pity they weren't good enough.

" of all people should know about my intelligence, since you've seen all my tests. I please ask that you not insult it," I said, smiling.

Chabashira deflated slightly.

"I would like to tell you what you want to know, Ayanokouji,'ll have to do something for me in return," she said, leaning forward.

"Of course. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," I said, also leaning forward.

"Since you find out tomorrow anyway, I suppose I'll tell you. The 100% advancement rate to further education and employment is reserved only for those students who graduate at class A," said Chabashira.

"I see. The way you say 'graduate from class A'...does that perhaps mean that the class A we have right now will not necessarily be the class A at the end of our third year?" I asked.

"Correct. At the start of your first year, each class is given 1000 class points. Each class point your class possesses equals 100 private points deposited to your class each month. Class points are gained for merit, and deducted for poor behaviour," said Chabashira.

"And am I right in thinking that the class with the highest class points will be class A?" I asked.

"Again, you're correct. Unfortunately, you're too late to change your class ranking now, as points will be calculated later tonight. You COULD try and aggravate another student from class A into attacking you, but it would ultimately be a waste of time," said Chabashira.

"There is more I could tell you, but everything will be revealed tomorrow, anyway. All I advise now is to spend as few points as possible, as you're going to receive considerably less tomorrow than you did on the first day," she continued.

"I see. Thank you for your time, Chabashira-Sensei," I said, standing up and turning to leave.

"Wait, Ayanokouji-kun. You still have to do something for me, remember," she called.

I sighed.

"Let me hear your request then," I said.

"I would like you to do your best to turn class B into class A," said Chabashira.

I turned to look at her.

"Am I sensing...a personal grudge, sensei?" I asked.

"Will you do it, or not? If not, I will report you for extorting a member of staff for information," said Chabashira.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum