Arc 1 chapter 5: student council|true nature

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I was eating lunch with my usual entourage, and my phone suddenly buzzed.

I had notifications from almost everyone in my contacts, with a few exceptions, on banner only. Which meant that this was either important, or it was a new contact.

It seemed, to my surprise, that it was both.

Hello, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. This is Horikita Manabu, the student council president. With regards to your desire to join the student council, I would kindly ask that you come to an interview after class ends today.

I looked over to Ichinose, who also seems to have gotten the message.

That meant I wasn't out of the woods yet. I still had to prove my superiority to the student council president.

After class ended, I politely excused myself from going out with my 'friends' and headed with Ichinose to the student council room.

Along the way, we encountered the bald boy who had also signed up for the student council.

When we arrived there, I knocked on the door.

"Enter," said a muffled voice.

I opened the door, and saw Horikita Manabu at the head of a long table. Also in the room was secretary Akane Tachibana, who was rarely seen anywhere except beside the student council president, and a blond boy, who I surmised was a second or third-year, since I had never met him before.

"Well, at least our kouhai have manners," said the blond boy.

"Something that you clearly lack, Nagumo-kun," Horikita subtly scolded.

The blond boy, Nagumo, looked a little awkward at having been berated, but stood up and walked over to us.

"My name is Nagumo Miyabi. I'm the student council Vice President. It's...a pleasure," he said, extending a hand to Ichinose, who gladly took it.

"Hmmm...I can tell you have the right stuff. Horikita-senpai, I think we should appoint this girl. No need to look for any other applicants," Nagumo continued, after looking at Ichinose for a while.

"T-thank you, Nagumo-senpai, b-but..." Ichinose was about to say something, but Horikita cut her off.

"I am pleased to see that you can make quick decisions, Nagumo-kun. But, in matters such as this, we must be thorough. Please, take a seat you three," he said, gesturing for us to sit.

At this point, Nagumo left the room. He looked behind him, directly at Ichinose.

Jeez, dude. Could you make it any more obvious?

"Thank you for coming to see me. Today, I will offer one or more of you a seat on the student council. Your position will be negotiable, since you are the first applicants we have this year. I would like to start with you, Ichinose-san," he said, directing his attention to Ichinose, who sat up straight in response.

"Academic ability B+, intelligence A, decision making B, physical ability C, cooperativeness A-. You gained a score of 89 on your entrance examination. Truly, one of the better students we've had in recent years. It says in the interview that you had many long absences in junior high school. Why did these absences occur?" Asked Horikita.

At this question, Ichinose froze. It seemed that Horikita already knew the answer, and was simply letting Ichinose know this. It seemed to me that she had already lost the position, but I couldn't say for certain.

I wonder what it was that she was so scared of. Perhaps I should look into this matter further.

"You don't know? I see. Well then, onto Kouhei Katsuragi," he said, turning to the bald boy.

"Academic ability A, intelligence A, decision making B, physical ability C, cooperativeness B-. You gained a score of 92 on your entrance examination. I certainly think you'd be a worthy candidate, like Ichinose-san," Horikita said.

"Thank you, president," said Katsuragi.

"And now, you. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," Horikita said, turning slowly towards me.

"Academic ability A+, intelligence A+, decision making A+, physical ability A+, cooperativeness A+. You gained a perfect 100 on your entrance examination."

The other two looked over at me. Katsuragi looked a little stunned, but Ichinose looked downright flabbergasted. She didn't know the true extent of what I had shown to her this past week.

"Everyone except Ayanokouji-kun, I would kindly ask you to leave us alone," said Horikita.

Ichinose, Katsuragi and even Tachibana were directed to leave the room. After they had left, Horikita spoke.

"Who are you, Ayanokouji-kun?" He asked.

"I...don't understand..." I stuttered, feigning confusion.

"Please, do not insult me. While I may not have an evaluation quite as good as yours, I am above your classmates who you so easily manipulate. I ask you again: who. Are. You?"

There was a brief moment of silence.

"Hm. It seems there's no hiding it from you, is there?" I said, dropping my act.

I stood, and walked over to the window, looking out at the school, and the ocean beyond.

"Who am I, you ask? Simply put, I am the perfect human. More complicated, I am the result of years of training, indoctrination and borderline physical, mental and emotional torture. I was a prisoner, kept in a cage of white walls," I said.

Horikita nodded, urging me to continue.

"So, I decided to escape. To come here, and see the outside world for myself. Of course, my movement is rather limited within this school, but it will have to do for now. In the future, I would very much like to see further outside," I continued.

Horikita POV

This boy...wasn't entirely sane.

Part of the reason he hadn't been immediately put in class A was the fact that the school had no record of his past, but I think I just saw the rest of the reason.

Obviously, if he had shown all of his true self to the interviewer, he would have never been allowed into this school. Hell, he probably would have been referred to a psyche ward.

"So, president I have the job?" He asked.

He looked directly at me now. His gaze was...something else.

His expression could be seen as cheerful, but I knew otherwise.

I thought for a moment.

"I think you're the perfect candidate for the student council. I expect you to attend meetings every Tuesday after class ends," I stood up, walked over to him and extended my hand for him to shake.

"Ahaha. Don't worry. I shall be very invested in being a model student council member," he said, shaking my hand.

I got a feeling of deja vu. It was back when I appointed Nagumo as Vice President.

I hoped that Ayanokouji would not allow his true nature to corrupt the student council, and that he would pretend to be the model student everyone knows him as when it came down to it.

1149 words
Ayanokouji is now a member of the student council.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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