Arc 1 chapter 14: evil spirits|fate/stay the night

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It was that time of the week again.

Some time to myself.

I was walking around the Southwest section of campus, a section I had rarely visited. I looked over to my left to sea the sea spanning across the horizon, the setting sun glittering over the waves.

It was a strange time of day. 4:36 pm, to be exact. Some would call this time 'twilight', as at this time of year, it still got dark fairly early.

In Japanese folklore, and in many other mythologies and cultural beliefs, it's said that twilight was the time when evil spirits descended from their dwellings to interact with the mortal world. Truly a worrying thought...

If you believed that kind of thing, that is.


A sharp clack awoke me from my pondering.

"Fancy meeting you here, Kiyotaka-kun," said a very familiar, smug voice.

"Arisu...please refrain from trying to act surprised. I saw you leave the dorms exactly 5 minutes after I left. If you're going to try and outsmart me, at least make it challenging," I said.

"Fufufu, I suppose my physical skills are somewhat lacking when I'm up against one as perceptive as you. Mind if I sit?" She asked, gesturing to the bench.

I nodded, and she sat, resting her cane horizontally on her lap.

"I notice that Horikita-san of class D is acting a little odd wouldn't know anything about that, Kiyotaka-kun?" She asked, giving me a knowing smile.

Sakayanagi tried her best to have her eyes and ears on me at all times, mainly through her servants, Hashimoto and Masumi.

Masumi I could always see, but Hashimoto was truly gifted in the art of stealth. Whenever he tailed me, I could often lose track of him. Obviously, the time that I had...talked to Horikita with Kushida didn't go unnoticed, but I doubted that he saw the actual event. I made sure that no one was there to see what happened.

So Hashimoto must have seen us leave, and Sakayanagi connected the dots herself.

Very clever.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I hope she's alright though," I said, looking worried.

Sakayanagi let out a small giggle at my acting.

"Fufufu, worry not...I didn't come here to talk about Horikita-san. I came here to tell you something important," said Sakayanagi.

"Oh, do tell," I said.

"Someone has apparently organised a competition of sorts. A fighting competition," said Sakayanagi.

"A fighting competition? What kind of fighting?" I asked.

"Apparently, anything goes. A student council member *cough* Nagumo *cough* has apparently organised it to be tomorrow evening at 7pm in gymnasium number 3. The judo club has moved the necessary equipment there under the pretence of a 'training excercise'," said Sakayanagi.

" want me to join?" I asked.

"Exactly. You see, I want a few extra private points to spend, and this tournament is going to allow betting," she continued.

Gambling was illegal all over the world for minors, but gambling for all ages was illegal in Japan, so I was very surprised to learn that this event existed.

"Am I to assume that this is to be kept to myself?" I asked.

"Well, so long as information doesn't get to the faculty, you can invite whoever you want, I suppose. The only people who've been told are the organisers, who tell the people who they think will put on the best show, and people who have a high social standing within the school. Anyone else there will simply be the friends of those already invited," said Sakayanagi, standing up.

"If those with high social standing are told to attend by the organisers, then why wasn't I approached by said organisers?" I asked.

" just were, silly," she giggled, walking away.

Clack! Clack!

Hm. That girl certainly knew how to get a large amount of points in a small amount of time.


"Man, it's just so stupid! Why are they all so fucking dumb!?"

I was in my room talking to Ayanokouji, and I couldn't help but vent my problems to him.

"Whenever I lean over to point out something, those two idiots have their eyes glued to my chest! It's so...yeuck!!" I continued.

Sudou was sensible enough to not try and sneak a peek, but Ike and Yamauchi just had no sense of shame.

"What about you? Anything come up that's annoyed you recently?" I asked, allowing Ayanokouji to let out some frustration.

"Hm...not really. Sure, my classmates are kind of stupid, but not as bad as yours. The only thing I can't stand is the constant need for everyone to be so...friendly all the time," he admitted.

"I KNOW RIGHT? Like, take a fucking hint and leave me alone, yanno?"

There was a few moments of silence after this.

"Well, I'd better get going, it's quite late," he said, getting up to leave.

"Wait," I said.

He turned to me.

"What is it?" He asked.

I can't believe I was actually doing this.

"Can you...stay here for the night?" I asked.




"Kushida, you really have to treat me to dinner first," he said.

I threw a pillow at him.

"I don't mean sex, creep...I just want...someone..." I said.

"Someone?" He urged me to continue.

"SOMEONE TO CUDDLE!" I yelled, throwing another pillow.

I'd never felt quite this embarrassed in my life.

"Sure. Can I use your shower though?" He asked.


Even after all my embarrassing behaviour, he still wanted to stay?

I nodded, and he started walking over to the bathroom, and started taking off his shirt.

Just before the door to the bathroom closed, I saw his exposed back.

Aside from being exceedingly muscular for a high school honour student, there was something very concerning about his figure.

His back was covered in scars.

978 words
Slightly shorter chapter.
I decided to check in on my stories, and I can't believe they still get new reads, much less score high on rankings, even after weeks of not uploading.
Fight club next chapter.
Apparently Kushida's English dub VA was fired by Crunchyroll for doing a fandub of the chainsawman trailer. This chapter is dedicated to Kushida ❤️ (my best girl)
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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