Arc 1 chapter 4: Kushida|club fair

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The bell rang to signal lunch. I stood up.

"Does anyone want to grab lunch with me in the cafeteria?" I asked the class.

Instantly, hands shot up around the room. Around half of the class wanted to eat lunch with me.

 Around half of the class wanted to eat lunch with me

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We went off in the direction of the cafeteria.

I had to be careful with how I spent my points now. After the karaoke yesterday, I had about 90,000 points left, not including the cash in my dorm.

As I was talking with my classmates, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a beautiful girl with short, beige hair and crimson eyes standing in front of me.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Hey, you're Ayanokouji-kun, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's me. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, good. My name's Kushida Kikyou, from class 1-D. It's a pleasure to meet you," she said, bowing slightly.

I returned the bow.

"So, what brings you to me, Kushida-san?" I asked.

"Well, I heard that your goal was to get along with everyone in school. As it happens, that's also MY goal. But, unfortunately, I've hit a bit of a snag in that regard," she said, looking a little forlorn.

That was strange. I couldn't see why normal people wouldn't want to be friends with this girl. She was charming, beautiful and cheerful. But...

I sensed something was a little with her.

"What kind of 'snag'?" I asked.

"Well...there's a girl in my class called Horikita. Horikita Suzune. When I asked everyone in my class for their contact information yesterday, she was the only person who didn't give me hers," she said.

Ah, yes. Horikita. Well, I had to congratulate myself a little. I had successfully outdone a girl who was actively trying to be popular.

"And, I noticed that you were walking to school with her this morning. Are you perhaps Horikita's friend?" She asked.

"I'm everyone's friend, Kushida-san, including Horikita's. Would you, perhaps, want her contact info?" I asked, taking out my phone, insinuating that I could give her what she sought.

"Oh, if it's not any trouble," she said.

"No trouble at all, Kushida-san. My only condition is that you wait for her to message you first," I said.

She nodded.

After gaining Kushida's contact info, I sent her Horikita's number.

"Thank you very much, Ayanokouji-kun. Please call me if you ever want to hang out," she said, walking away.

Starting in class B: Ayanokouji the actor.Where stories live. Discover now